See also Bob, Garcia/Berry, Delaine Frierson, Rindy, and Maria -- coverups for Drawdy.
Kansas Office of Securities Commissioner:
Stellar Solutions, Inc., Channler D. Drawdy: Notice of Intent to Invoke Administrative Sanctions (7-26-02)
Prior to giving Drawdy $22-million to play around with, Drawdy and his drug trafficking, money laundering family defrauded Kansas City investors and various others of millions -- how he made his living prior to $22-million-dollars to dispose of by, which wrote loss off as a tax write-off. - (PDF file:
(PDF) Via Kansas Office of Securities Commission: Stellar Solutions, Inc. Channler D. Drawdy Fletcher D. Sapp John T. Julian Notice of Intent to Invoke Administrative Sanctions
(PDF) Via Kansas Office of Securities Commission: Stellar Solutions, Inc. Channler D. Drawdy Fletcher D. Sapp John T. Julian Notice of Intent to Invoke Administrative Sanctions
Channler Drawdy defrauded Kansas City investors and various others of millions. Drawdy consulted with On The Go Software and briefly worked for SteelEye Technology Inc. SteelEye's investors were so negligent in funding Drawdy, it's not even funny. Well, I'm sure they're not laughing now after watching millions go down the drain and then having to pay him to leave. More money was even given towards the foundation that Drawdy built, and they're waiting for more. Kevin Berry, their CFO, was just as negligent. If nothing else, Berry had a moral obligation to ensure the company's funds were being spent properly, as Drawdy even had liens from defrauding others. But you know what they say: "it's not mine, so who cares." Their first big hint was Drawdy didn't have any credit. Hmmmm, an Executive VP with bad credit who couldn't even obtain a credit card, even a secured one. His credit card had to be provided through another executive and his apartment in Columbia had to be placed in another person's name, for more than one reason (IRS, liens, people trying to track him down, etc.).
Drawdy claimed to have a variety of experience that couldn't be verified and what was verifiable was horrific. Drawdy had a history of fraud, manipulating women and hates homosexuals. He'd gather information to manipulate as if at war. His credit was so poor (bankruptcy & IRS liens), yet was able to weasel his way into SteelEye as a founder and Executive VP without anyone checking his credentials or background. His cousins, geesh, were drug traffickers and money launderers. Drawdy also claims to have served his country proudly in the Vietnam war. He probably got shot in the ass by his fellow men and was sent home. His only statement about the Vietnam war was that he had to fight along side "homosexuals". I'm sorry, who were you there to fight?
Venrock, their reputable investors, so entranced by the explosion, failed to investigate who they're handing over millions to. Drawdy exhausted millions within 5 months with nothing to show for it. He forcibly hired 15 managers, each earning over $100-$150K each to support 30 people ("dang, where'd our money go?" & can you believe they were asking this dumb question). You do the math, but the result was each of the managers was standing around telling each other what to do ('too many chiefs, not enough indians' dollars at work).
Drawdy played one founder against another to forcibly hire one screw-up after another. One screw-up was the straw that broke one of the founders' back and led to in-fighting, and she's still there screwing up. She had large breasts and wore low cut tops. Drawdy defended her 100% over the founder, who was her boss and was lied to in order to hire her. Drawdy was also manipulating a grand scheme to take over full ownership of SteelEye by backstabbing each of the other founders one-by-one, until one-by-one they were removed. He even disclosed that he was meeting secretly with the venture caps to have the original president removed because "things were a mess" (the first honest thing he'd said, however, he needed to look in the mirror for the source of the mess).
Ironically, while Drawdy was manipulating others, shortly before he was fired, a contract employee suspected something was "off" with Drawdy and began investigating Drawdy. Drawdy literally feared this contractor because Drawdy could never match his intellectual level, and knew this person could not be manipulated and was too valuable for the company, more valuable than Drawdy. Drawdy even tried to befriend the contractor, but it didn't work. What was ironic is everyone trusted and liked Drawdy initially. He seemed like a genuinely good person. But just like Randy Kraft (Angel of Darkness by Dennis McDougal) was a model employee that everyone trusted while he was committing murders across the coast and country, including during business trips.
While Drawdy was backstabbing people, complaints began to surface on all sides of the company. People who were intentionally kept apart began discussing things with each other, only to find out they were misquoted, manipulated and outright lied to. Drawdy's own e-mails to each person were different. He even stated the venture caps wanted to hire as he wanted to (yeah, sure, every venture cap wants to "spend, spend, spend") and TOLD everyone in a SEPARATE COMPANY E-MAIL to shut up, let him worry about the business practices and for us to ONLY worry about delivering software, because he KNEW what he was doing. Of course he knew what he was doing, it was just the rest of us who didn't understand what the hell he was doing.
And even worse, Drawdy is suspected of being a wife beater. One day his wife broke down in the office discussing how badly he treats her. She sat by my side night and day in the hospital during my surgery, while Drawdy was with Maria Scott night and day. Drawdy called me daily before Maria was being hired to discuss her like a school boy in love. He actually said the more he talked to her, the more he liked her. While his wife said the more Maria talked, the more she disliked her. I said nothing to either because it was very uncomfortable since his wife hung out with me when she came to Columbia. When I tried to end the conversations with Drawdy, as they weren't work related, he took it personally, or assumed I was just worried about my upcoming surgery, which I thought was just going to be minor, so I wasn't worried. But it turned out to be major, with so many painful complications afterwards, yet, STILL more peaceful than dealing with Drawdy. Drawdy spent hours on the phone with Maria after hours, at SteelEye's expense, of course. But Drawdy's wife knew something was going on with Drawdy and Maria, and I was in the middle of it. I even received a call from the west coast at 4am PST/7am EST from Drawdy's wife because she couldn't sleep because she was worried about Drawdy's plans for me, Maria and one of the founders. Drawdy's wife always has these "falls" which leave her face battered and bruised. The falls are also consistent with times when they are arguing. But through each scam, they stick together like Bonnie and Clyde.
SteelEye is still around, however, the talent (the founders, Sue Ellery & Tom Hunter) has "left the building". The only miracle is SteelEye's drama didn't end up on f' as a Hall of Fame Grand Prize Candidate. SteelEye is living off hope now, while asking other investors for more money. Do investors finance "hope" or actual projects with a chance of profitability? Oh wait, they just spend money paying off people like Drawdy to leave quietly. Let me get this straight: he deceives his way into the company, screws over everyone in his path, including those who cared about him, and receives a golden parachute out for negative "accomplishments". SteelEye's president even sends out a fluff e-mail with the departure announcement which was a total fraud! And I wonder, if the president openly and in writing lies to his employees, what else will he do. Ummmm, let's see, mismanage a company, funds and company plans!
But WHERE can I get that "Drawdy Escape Package"? Is it on a shelf at K-Mart now? Hell, can I order it as a product from SteelEye? Saaaay, maybe there's a product with IPO potential for them.
UPDATE: The above incidents are only minor compared to other things he's done. Since taking on the project, there have been so many people who have come forward with more information on their Channler Drawdy nightmares. Let me put it this way, if we were to have an "I Survived Channler Drawdy" Convention (with free T-shirts for everyone so we at least got something!), we'd need a small football stadium to contain those harmed by Drawdy-Gawdy. There have also been other people who have come forward with similar "Oh my lord!" nightmares regarding Bob Williamson. All you can do is wonder how they can do the same thing for so long and continue to receive money for it!