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A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.
H.L. Mencken

👩🏾‍💻 Black Persons Today's Strom Thurmond-GOP Will Only Tolerate, and Why

May 27, 2015 7:43pm EST/NYC


Ann Coulter / Be Best / Breitbart / Featured / Govt-Funded / NRA / Hannity / In The News / Limbaugh / Michelle Malkin / CCLC / Politics-Society / private-funds / Sarah Palin / Scott Walker-WI / Ted Cruz / badgradestrump /

GOP Blacks Allowed On The Lawn
GOP Internalized Racists and Jim Crow benefactor Placaters

Petty thief Katrina Pierson
Petty thief, escort Katrina Pierson, who blocks real black persons, especially those who know facts about her masters/owners.

White #tcot, #teaparty, #twitchy, #PJNet, #MolonLabe and other GOP members consistently present Allen West (Pamela Geller's "go-to lawn jockey"), Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Stacey Dash, @GOPBlackChick, South Carolina's Tim Scott (Strom Thurmond's and Sarah Palin's boy), and other placating blacks to all, as the examples of blacks they would prefer to be around and/or would like ALL to be at all times.

However, THIS is why others (ACTUAL free-thinking blacks (can make their own choices, use their own words), whites, Latinos, Asians, #LGBT and others with integrity) can not join in with them:  waymenit

Kansas Councilman Screams 'Black N*gger B*tch - Go Back To Baltimore' At Teen Girl (VIDEO)

Self-hating black persons such as Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Stacey Dash, Tim Scott and others, including black persons on https://twitter.com/CharXRenee/following's list, ARE happy to stay in a party infected by Dixiecrats, and where today's GOP members are quick to

  • use "nigger" as their standard label for anyone darker than Marco Rubio,
  • suppress the black vote, OR
  • shoot/kill black persons at-will, for ANY self-justified reason, with backpats from other hatriots and their internalized racist,

THEN... find a redundant clone, such as Dash, West, Carson, or Tim Scott, to place out front to make an offensive statement (lawn jockey), to excuse and condone hatriot behavior towards their own race as a WHOLE, and other non-whites.

Self-hating blacks do not even think they are self-hating blacks, but think they are the "superior exception to the rule," because they have adapted both dialect and "fake values" of their oppressor. You can not tell where their oppressor stops and they begin.

Self-hating non-whites (George Zimmerman, Bobby Jindal, Nimarata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley, Ben Carson, Allen West, Tim Scott), that today's Strom Thurmond-GOP prefers, will never speak out against injustices against their race and other non-whites, or even women, because they are afraid of losing all their work, money, and time spent cozying up to hatriots, who make the following statements:

Woman Who Called for 'Nigger' Obama's Assassination in Viral Facebook Post Confronted by News Crew, Is Officially the Worst Person in the World

'Take That N*gger Off TV': Racist Tweets Unleashed During President Obama's Sandy Hook Vigil Speech

Jake Knotts' 'Raghead' Remark: Nikki Haley, Obama Called Indian Slur By South Carolina State Senator

S.C. Lawmaker Refers to Obama and Nikki Haley as "Raghead"

Nikki Haley called 'raghead' by political opponent

Police Commissioner Who Proudly Called Obama the N-Word Not Crazy Enough to Keep His Job

Nigger boy makes a Twitter account, gets called what he is - a nigger.

Obama called the N-word in headline

Racist Teens Forced to Answer for Tweets About the 'Nigger' President

Keith Johnson calls Obama "a nigger" on The Ugly Truth Radio Network – Twice

Obama Called N***er Live On Air

Obama joins Twitter. Racism quickly follows.

Capehart: Obama joins Twitter. Racism follows

Racist slurs infiltrate Obama Twitter account, Google Maps

There are thousands of examples like this, especially on GOP teaparty and kkk sites, dating as far back to 2008. You should see the e-mails I received from Sarah Palin's fans in 2008. Somehow registered voters became a part of a mail list group to share their "strategies" and info, and boy, did we see an infinite amount of hatriotism, including from internalized racist black persons. Anyone, including me, who did not agree with them, were IMMEDIATELY called "welfare queens", "drug addicts", multiple baby mama's/daddy's and all the other standard rhetoric of their masters.

And, of course, the persons who pal PROUDLY with hatriots are QUICK to say, "well blacks use the N word too." Just find Elizabeth Hasselbeck to chime that in, to justify today's GOP's daily racism with pride. And definitely, GOP whites WILL defend their lawn jockeys placed out front in the future. Even a lawn jockey will make a statement on behalf of their master to deflect from the hatriots they are proudly roaming with. 😐

Vile: Racist Obama supporters call Stacey Dash 'house negro', 'Uncle Tom', 'Oreo' via Michelle Malkin's "team"


But here is something that the still-chained-non-whites, who think they have to cozy up to hate, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley included, should familiarize themselves with, if it is okay with their masters:

Internalized Racism:

Bobby Jindal channels his masters' "Southern Manifesto" and "right to hate" a/k/a "religious freedom":

Today's GOP father and shaper, Strom Thurmond, and Carl Vinson's Southern Manifesto:

Related Link:

Kansas Councilman Screams, @Black Ngger-btch Go Back To Baltimore@ At Teen Girl(video)


| allen west | ben carson | blacks gop refer | candace owens | corrin rankin | david clarke | diamond and silk | gop blacks | internalized racists | juan williams | kanye west | katrina pierson | larry elder | lawn jockeys | lynnette hardaway | omarosa | rochelle richardson | stacey dash | tim scott | wayne dupree |

🔗 GOP Black Internalized Racists


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Feb 2, 2017 11:35pm EST/NYC

Original comment(s): tamra.nyc/cc2012/comments.php?y=15&m=05&entry=entry150527-214304

Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: May 29, 2015 1:12am EST/NYC

Even more GOP racism:  waymenit

Watch This Totally Unhinged Tea Partier Rant About 'Liberal F*cking F*ggots' Who Can 'Drop F*cking Dead' (Video) (Oct 11, 2014)


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: May 29, 2015 1:28am EST/NYC

Ann Coulter Went on Live TV and Said That 'Mexican Culture is Obviously Deficient' (Video) (May 28, 2015)


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: May 30, 2015 1:05am EST/NYC

RT @Ivanroberson: Sandy Rios: Liberals Love Radical Islam Because They Both Come From Satan https://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/sandy-rios-liberals-love-radical-islam-because-they-both-come-satan


And even more GOP hatriotism:

RT @Hatewatch: Take a look at SPLC's list of active anti-Muslim groups in the U.S. www.splcenter.org/node/3502/activegroups #NotMyAmerica #PHXmosque


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Jun 12, 2015 3:05pm EST/NYC

Here is more of that blacks are "savage" and "terrorizing" (including unarmed), while ironically roaming proudly with actual terrorist and fully-ARMED kkk:

Texas radio host: Cops used force on pool party 'jungle animals' because whites were 'scared to death'


Texas teacher states McKinney pool party 'almost' shows need for racial segregation


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Jun 12, 2015 3:15pm EST/NYC

And here are active internalized racists, who proudly promote and defend the party of rapist Strom Thurmond and their racist actions: https://twitter.com/CharXRenee/following — yes, the black Tweeters are not fake accounts, but devoted internalized racists, who promote Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin, Beck, and the like, along with https://twitter.com/WortheyAC and https://twitter.com/BlacknRight, who are proud to deflect from their party's PUBLIC racism, in order to justify the inferior intellect, white supremacists that they call their "leaders."

Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Jun 12, 2015 7:03pm EST/NYC

GOP candidate, with ties to racist Sterling Heights mayoral candidate, Paul Smith, says when it comes to blacks, whom he believes are solely gang members, SHOOT FIRST, THEN ASK QUESTIONS LATER.

Michigan candidate strongly disagrees that black lives matter: 'When there is any doubt - shoot!'

We do not have mobs of teenagers surronding (sic) our police. We do not have gangs (as in blacks) here.

Sterling Heights mayoral candidate Paul Smith http://news.yahoo.com/video/controversial-candidate-running-sterling-heights-215922784.html


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Jun 15, 2015 6:10pm EST/NYC

Florida Commissioner Caught Complaining He Was Behind 'N*ggers' In Line While Visiting Jailed Brother (VIDEO)


So Barber's brother  (kkk low-lifes) is also jailed, but blacks are n*ggers in and out of jail, and the problem, per Barber's beliefs.  waymenit AND his brother was in jail for fighting cops, but per @GOP's Dexter Barber, n*ggers are the problem, need to learn to obey the law. 😐

Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc/cclc
Comment Date: Jun 25, 2015 4:30pm EST/NYC

Priceless! cliffNikki Haley has literally bent over backwards to accommodate hatriots including  (kkk low-lifes) in her own state. Haley even works directly next to a confederate flag, which is insulting daily to her military husband, given confederates fought against our military. But, the moment Haley stopped placating hatriots on any one issue, out comes the attacks from the party she panders to 24/7. The rules of GOP are simple: follow along in unison like an evil cult  (hitler trash) , or face the consequences because there will be no acceptance of anything that upsets Dixiecrats 😐

Ann Coulter thinks Nikki Haley is an immigrant who 'does not understand America's history'


Commenter: Tamra
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Apr 6, 2019 12:09pm EST/NYC

Yup!! https://www.tamra.nyc/smiles/mlicons/yes.gif So sunken... https://newsone.com/3766611/so-sunken-paris-dennard-ben-carson-lynne-patton/

Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Oct 5, 2022 9:31pm EST/NYC

Latest COTD: Herschel Walker, because Walker will say anything that his Jim Crow benefactor masters command him to say.

1. John Lewis was not a US Senator. 2. John Lewis nearly died fighting for civil rights, especially during the Bloody Sunday attack in Selma, Alabama, and as a Freedom Rider.

"You know what's sad about that — to use the name of a great man to brand something that is so bad, I think it is terrible to do," Walker replied. "Senator Lewis was one of the greatest senators that is ever been and for African Americans that was absolutely incredible. To throw his name on a bill for voting rights I think is a shame." He added that the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act "just doesn't fit what John Lewis stood for, and I think [Democrats] know that. And I think that it is sad for them to do this to him."


Now, Herschel Walker is claiming that his CONSERVATIVE son is a "left-wing plant," basically lying about his OWN SON!

Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Nov 6, 2023 1:05pm EST/NYC

#TrumpTrial In Progress

And as predicted, #badgradestrump would deflect from truth, by throwing tantrums, and/or playing "Ted Bundy" victim. A con artist cannot admit to his lies, because the GRIFT would be over.

However, it is astonishing how an ignorant man conned over 67-million people into voting or applauding for him. Or 304 mysterious electorates, who were not conned, but are equally as vile as #badgradestrump.

But here's internalized racist Florida grifter, Byron Donalds, who has to stand by white supremacist and 3-card Monty hustler, badgradestrump, because the racism in Florida is so bad, that as a black, convict, his legal money-making options are limited. Stand by your master, Donalds, until kicked out of US Congress by white voters for self-thinking vs. parroting their hatriotism, or kicked off badgradestrump's lawn for self-thinking or being honest, ethical and decent. https://twitter.com/ByronDonalds/status/1721553701746155593

And for all of "@Travis_in_Flint"s shit talking, to rile up his base, there is a WHOLE COUNTY of victims, and to put it in words that only #MAGA will understand, they’re WHITE, GOP voters! But empathy is non-existent in MAGAworld! 😐

  1. https://abc7ny.com/politics/trump-engaged-in-tax-battle-with-officials-over-value-of-golf-course/1341098/
  2. The Grand Hyatt Hotel scam, which created a bill for the City of New York, instead of profits: https://pix11.com/2019/02/07/grand-hyatt-new-york-hotel-donald-trumps-1st-major-manhattan-development-will-be-demolished-wsj/
| con artists, hustlers, sons of confederate vets strom thrumond gop, trump crime regime, white supremacy |

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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