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The possibility of getting lost is directly proportional to the number of times the direction-giver says, "You can't miss it."
Author Unknown

👩🏾‍💻 Pressler & Pressler ordered to pay $2.5Million to CFPB for its fraud AND deception!

Jun 16, 2016 1:10am EST/NYC


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Pressler & Pressler ordered to pay $2.5-million for its fraud and deception.
Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw finally got its ass handed to them. So many victims of their taxpayer-funded white collar fraud.

Now also known as "Pressler, Felt & Warshaw", with Lee Pressler officially running things for his daddy (Sheldon) at both Pressler and New Century Financial Services, Inc. Again, still filing lawsuits on his own behalf, while pretending to be a victim, AFTER stealing accounts and personal financial info to prey upon.

UPDATE: SHELDON PRESSLER IS DEAD! ROT IN HELL, CORRUPT BASTARD! But the fraud will continue given lack of ethics of Lawrence McDermott, Frank Petulo, Craig Stiller and others. (more info...)

Pressler and Pressler has been sanctioned by the FTC - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Its sham company, New Century Financial Services, has been ordered to pay $1.5-Million. $2.5-Million total fines, but a small price for Pressler to pay, given all of their white collar fraud profits.

Filed 04/25/2016: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201604_cfpb_consent-order-pressler-pressler-llp-sheldon-h-pressler-and-gerard-j-felt.pdf

it took 20-years, but Pressler & Pressler finally got its ass handed to them https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201604_cfpb_consent-order-pressler-pressler-llp-sheldon-h-pressler-and-gerard-j-felt.pdf

It took 20-years, but Pressler & Pressler finally got its ass handed to them https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201604_cfpb_consent-order-pressler-pressler-llp-sheldon-h-pressler-and-gerard-j-felt.pdf



What would be nice: removing debts Pressler never lawfully owned, forcing Pressler to pay for damages done to consumers, especially disabled veterans, whose homes have been seized by Pressler's fraud, and indicting court clerks who enabled Pressler's fraud for so long.

But this is another GREAT ruling against white collar frauds, Pressler & Pressler!!

And I'm glad I provided a ton of information regarding their fraud to CFPB!

Consumer Alert!!

There is effective help against Pressler!

Adam Deutsch, Esq., of Denbeaux & Denbeaux Attorneys at Law, utilizes U.S. Federal Courts. By fitting the facts to claims that are under Federal Statutes, Mr. Deutsch can access Federal Court for clients. This gets the consumer out of the biased state court system and into Federal Court, which on the whole, is infinitely better. Mr. Deutsch has spent years practicing in state court, and upon moving to Federal Court, saw that clients began getting real relief.

One of the biggest barriers to fighting Pressler & Pressler and other collectors is that people think they can't afford it, or can't find an attorney to take the case in line with the client's budget. When people represent themselves, they unfortunately can't get the same outcome as an experienced professional representing them.

The great thing about federal statutes is there are fee shifting statutes that require the debt collector to pay the plaintiff's fee and the court costs. Denbeaux & Denbeaux has built a practice where the client's documents and the fact are reviewed, and if f Mr. Deutsch is confident there is a case that can be successful, the client pays the filing fee ($400) and the fee to serve each defendant ($200 per party), and that is it!

Denbeaux & Denbeaux's legal fee is contingent and the client will get their upfront court costs back into their pocket, if they are successful. Denbeaux & Denbeaux will also seek statutory and actual damages, and has a solid track record of recovering money. Denbeaux & Denbeaux does not represent class actions lawsuits, but represents individual clients in individual cases.

Pressler & Pressler's predatory behavior can be stopped by going on the offensive. To get started with your case against Pressler & Pressler, I strongly suggest you contact denbeauxlaw.com.

Good luck winning your case!

Related information and pages:

Pressler & Pressler, LLP and New Century Financial Services, Inc. Settle CFPB Probe for $2.5M


Pressler's BOLD SCAM, a company created by Sheldon Pressler for filing fraudulent lawsuits, then placing sham company into its baby's name.

NCFSI aka Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw
Sheldon Pressler creating NCFSI to file lawsuits in his own name

NCFSI aka Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw

NCFSI aka Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw
Sheldon Pressler's biz's transferred to his son's name.

The Fraud and Deception of Pressler, Felt & Warshaw

Apparently Pressler & Pressler's base area is corrupt:

Parsippany Police Captain James Carifi fired for exposing corruption


Retired Parsippany Capt. James Carifi tells jury he was retaliated against by a job transfer and lost overtime opportunities when he reported department wrongdoing.

Parsippany also alleges retiring Capt. James Carifi obtained confidential law enforcement information about people not suspected of criminal activity and transferred documents, including police reports


  1. Step In Right Direction Against White Collar Predators
  2. Missed this during #BridgeGate red-herring?
  3. Another ruling against white collar frauds Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw
  4. Your Attorney General is not helping you but aiding & abetting white collar frauds

Parsippany City Council corruption including with a friend of Chris Christie



Pressler sues wrong person!!

Suing the Wrong Mark Hoyte Takes a Rare Turn in Collections

Hello, Collections? The Worm Has Turned

Attorney General Cuomo Sues To Throw Out Over 100,000 Faulty Judgments Entered Against New York Consumers In Next Stage Of Debt Collection Investigation

Pariah Pressler

March 2019 -- It's amazing how much fraud this company engages in, while being protected by judges, governors and attorney generals

Note Pressler & Pressler has changed its name to "Pressler, Felt & Warshaw" after death of their lead fraud, Sheldon Pressler. But I'm more shocked that Lawrence "Larry" McDermott's name wasn't made a part of the new name change. McDermott did so much dirt on behalf of Pressler, including using this employee for his dirty deeds. And note document shows/confirms that Eric Sombers IS an employee of both entities, something he lied point blank about.

Law Firm Agrees to $115K Settlement of Overtime Dispute With Employee



And is this Steven A Lang, the same Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler, Felt & Warshaw attorney, who argued cases before NYC judges without a license as THE attorney for Pressler & Pressler?

Note sanctions: dishonest, practicing without a law license and more... sounds familiar. If it's not him, "Steven A Lang" must be the new name for legal fraud.

  1. https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/4527273/attorney-grievance-v-lang-falusi/
  2. https://www.courts.state.md.us/data/opinions/coa/2018/86a16ag.pdf

| 110 south jefferson road whippany nj | 7 entin road parsippany nj | 888-312-8600 | 888-989-8300 | 973-753-5100 | alvaro leal | buythedebt.com | consumer financial protection bureau | craig stiller | eric sombers | fair debt and collection | frank petulo | gerard felt | karen ducharme | larry j mcdermott esq | lawrence mcdermott pressler and pressler | lee pressler md | michael gordon sdny | mitch williamson | mitchell e zipkin | ncfsi.com | new century financial services | new century financial services fraud | parsippany new jersey | pressler & pressler | pressler & pressler complaints | pressler & pressler fraud | pressler & pressler investigation | pressler felt & warshaw | pressler-pressler.com | scott rosenblatt | sheldon pressler |

🔗 Pressler & Pressler ordered to pay $2.5Million to CFPB for its fraud AND deception!


Commenter: Tamra
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 20, 2018 9:30pm EST/NYC


https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/sheldon-pressler-obituary?pid=187617050&view=guestbook&page=4 - funny, how the flowers left don't match his actual legacy: enriching himself with the assets of others, he never lawfully had rights to claim. But guessing all 30 people were his co-conspirators.I was wondering why so many were stopping by searching for his name on all pages, where I documented the fraud against me. never have I seen so much corruption in one place! but I truly hope that the fraud and deception he enjoyed on earth, he's paying for in hell. he could have EASILY made up for his wrongs, deliberately perpetrated against THOUSANDS OF CONSUMERS especially, James DeBarnardo, but instead Shelly Pressler chose to lie, lie and lie, deceive, deceive and deceive to his grave. and, I hope his assets are frozen, while his criminal enterprise is stopped. but I doubt it, since vultures of a feather flock together, and bottom feeders will now live off his corrupt-carcass and keep his fraud going.question now is, what happens to all the companies placed into his baby's name (Lee Pressler), which allowed "Shelly" to sue on his own behalf?

Commenter: jerry17
Commenter's Site:
Comment Date: Jan 19, 2023 2:48pm EST/NYC

Pressler and Pressler are low life criminals and thief's

Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Jan 25, 2023 12:40pm EST/NYC

The mystery is how Pressler has been allowed to run an organized crime ring for decades.

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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