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I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck. But my lawyer thinks he can get me five.
Steven Wright

👩🏾‍💻 Larry Davis killed in prison yesterday. did I not just mention this guy?

Feb 21, 2008 7:15am EST/NYC

📜 Tamra

Blah Blah Blah / NYC / Politics-Society / Wild Child /

Larry Davis Killed In Prison
Larry Davis Finally Double-Crossed His Match

They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest.

Donald O'Sullivan

I couldn't have described Davis better! Because that is SO true, especially if it meant fame and glory! And THIS is a hero??

"Davis was a tough guy... he made a lot of enemies and unfortunately made one too many."

Ron Kuby

Another statement that is so true! Even people trying to help convicted murderer Larry Davis, became drained and exhausted with his nonsense. Davis also never grasped the concept that he was in prison. He'd walk right past the prison guards, and jump on the recorded prison phone system, and plan another bold crime after another, like he was sitting his living room, pre-patriot act days!

Just a week ago, I sent an e-mail around to family and friends about Davis and his crime group, after discovering their MySpace pages and a new website with Davis' image plastered on it as usual.

And now, he's dead. Hmph. My friend called me at 6:30am, and I thought he was pulling another prank on me, like the time he told me he ran into Denzel Washington (and didn't give me time to run down and kidnap Denzel 😢 🤣). But he was serious, and so was the story on the news that I quickly turned on. I wasn't even moved to tears, it was more like "whatever". And his death doesn't even surprise me, because Davis was double-dealing in prison.

In prison, all you have is your word. Davis was making promises he could never keep, plus playing one person against another. Even folks from the outside, who sincerely believed his fake story and wanted to help him.

The sad and ridiculous part is, Davis will become more of a never-ending hero in our black communities and among anti-cop persons. And I can guarantee Al Sharpton will be at his funeral, probably even speaking on Davis' behalf, along with a "who's who" list of persons duped by his story that I know the personal truth about!

And unfortunately, this clears the way for a movie about Davis' life, by any and every degenerate who wants to idolize Davis.

and I'm so glad the video story of his death showed Davis walking UPRIGHT just a few years ago! Almost all people duped by the "cops set me up" story, also believe Davis was still "wheelchair bound because he was beaten by law enforcement while chained in a jail cell." Ridiculous!

How is that when we black people had less resources, we were able to obtain FACTS, to lead and guide others? Now, with all the resources, including the ability to contact Davis directly (while he was alive), a myth was chosen to believe as a fact! A sick fact at that!

well, now Davis can sit with Abe Hirschfeld and discuss that situation. Sad how Hirschfeld was vilified in the media, while Davis, Troy Reed, and others were playing Hirschfeld like a Cheshire cat (stealing his money via rape threats and extortion).

If we're lucky, Davis' crime gang is next on God's "to do" list! Those degenerates (Reed, Kisha, Lisa, Shams, and all who believe and support their nonsense) serve no purpose, other than to harm others at anyone's expense, especially taxpayers! You should see their MySpace pages.

www.myspace.com/nycstreetstarsamazing how stolen and laundered money can make even a fake story "unquestioned" by the people who actually paid money to buy it! The real harm was believing the story as FACT, and having any of our people use the word "hero" to describe Davis, while countless Tuskegee Airmen are in the NYC area!

www.myspace.com/kishachoice — With the nerve to have the word "slave" associated with her! She's not even good enough to wear the struggle of a slave, who were STILL more dignified than her "ride or die" ass! Kisha would kill every slave, if Troy Reed asked her to, or sell them all to lowest bidding slavemaster, if it meant her comfort with degenerate Troy Reed.

www.myspace.com/karenbriggs — Yes an acclaimed violinist and BFF of Choice, who actually defended, and repeatedly supports Choice and her degrading choices — electronic death threats from her Affinity Bronx office computer dumbass, prostitution of Reed, obstruction of justice, lying to create red herrings to clear the way for a crime like, oh, say, murder!! all designed to scare someone (me), who WORKED for what they had, while they stole, lied and cheated for what they have! Yeah right! I guess they picked the wrong crazy person when they decided to "hustle" me, then attempt to scare me after sticking a nail in the coffin Venrock.com helped to build!

 (scissors )


updated 50 minutes ago

Man in 1986 shootout with police killed in prison

* Larry Davis fatally stabbed in prison by another inmate
* Davis known for role in 1986 shootout with police; 6 officers wounded
* Davis convicted on murder, other charges in separate case

NEW YORK (AP) -- Corrections officials say a New York City man who wounded six police officers in a 1986 gunfight that led to a nationwide manhunt has been killed in prison.

Larry Davis was stabbed to death around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Shawangunk Correctional Facility in Ulster County, said Erik Kriss, spokesman for the New York State Department of Correctional Services.

"I don't know what was happening at this exact moment," Kriss said, adding that prison staff were in the yard when a fight was observed and inmates began congregating. "Things happen quickly."

Davis was fatally stabbed with a homemade metal shank in the arms, head, back, upper thigh and chest, Kriss said.

Another inmate at the prison 80-miles north of the city was being questioned in Davis' death by state police and the inspector general for corrections and had been placed in a segregated cell, Kriss said. The inmate had not been charged in Davis' death as of early Thursday.

Davis, 41, had most recently been convicted in 1991 of fatally shooting a suspected drug dealer in the Bronx.

Five years earlier, police had gone to an apartment to arrest him as a suspect in the slayings of five other drug dealers.

During the ensuing shootout, Davis escaped unhurt through a window, setting off a 17-day manhunt that involved hundreds of officers. He eventually surrendered to police after being tracked to a housing project where one of his sisters lived, where he held a woman and her children hostage in an all-night standoff before giving up, police said at the time.

At his trial, the defense contended that the officers were trying to kill Davis because he had knowledge about police corruption, and that he opened fire in self-defense. Prosecutors said Davis was trying to evade arrest by shooting at the officers [TRUE, admitted by Davis himself].

A jury acquitted him of attempted murder and aggravated assault. He was instead convicted on weapons charges and sentenced to five to 15 years in prison.

The gunfight and Davis' flight from the law made him a folk hero to some and a symbol of outrage to others, especially law enforcement. More than 1,500 officers incensed by the verdict gathered outside the courthouse to demand the maximum penalty.


Related Link(s):
BET Larry Davis Documentary: https://www.tamra.nyc/bet-larry-davis-documentary.php

Larry Davis Bronx murder conviction

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🔗 Larry Davis killed in prison yesterday.

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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