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If you can remember the '60s, then you weren't there.

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You searched for: "creeps."

Treasonist confederates are low-lifes and domestic terrorists.
confederates are not heroes nor brave men, but the worst of ANY society! Period.
Jun 26, 2015 12:25pm
Cretin domestic terrorist-confederates should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended. They've provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder.

Free money, except for working class.
Venrock.com, a Rockefeller family scandal, but hey, free money for you!
Jun 11, 2008 7:31pm
Taxpayer-funded fraud, bailed out and protected by lawmakers.

Venrock, a Rockefeller Ponzi scheme funding fraud.
Live and Learn, How I Paid For Venrock's Fraud
May 29, 2005 8:15pm
The top of the food chain, Rockefellers and a Ponzi schemer.

@PunchyMcgregor and @LuvlyLadyTrump
Meet @PunchyMcgregor and @LuvlyLadyTrump
Jul 1, 2016 3:40pm
@PunchyMcgregor and @LuvlyLadyTrump roam twitter to berate others on behalf of badgradestrump-Donald Trump. They are so proud of badgradestrump, they prefer to stay anonymous.

Pat Bagley NRA School
NRA Prostitutes — Part Deux
Oct 26, 2015 10:06pm
NRA Prostitutes... continued. Rabid gun nuts for their NRA big daddy, whom they gladly fund, while sitting around with expensive toys waiting for the enemy, defined by wealthy NRA.

NRA Prostitutes
NRA Prostitutes AND Terrorism In Action
May 24, 2016 9:37pm
They are brave warriors, ready for war online. But offline, they are TOTAL cowards living in self-created fear 24/7.

Jackass salutes jackass.
badgradestrump salutes white supremacist, slaver, and rapist Andrew Jackson
Mar 16, 2017 1:35pm
Racist jackass, pussy grabber, badgradestrump salutes racist, rapist, slaver, jackass Andrew Jackson, whom badgradestrump compares himself to most.

That's all, just 7 items found.

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And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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