tamra.nyc Wild Child Stompin' Ground

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I'm paranoid. On my stationary bike I have a rear-view mirror.
Richard Lewis

👩🏾‍💻 About Tamra... and this site

Oct 22, 2024 11:52am EST/NYC

Blah Blah Blah / NYC / Uppity Negress / Wild Child /

About tamra.nyc
It all started when I was a little girl... seriously!

About This Site

One of the first official bloggers, blogging since the Underground Railroad. 🤣 Clearly just kidding. Blogging since 2001, longgggg before some of y'all have even heard of a blog. What's shared here are true accounts, incidents I've literally lived through, have witnessed directly, part of my family history, and/or communications with others, directly with me.

About Tamra M. Cronin

Nawlins' child, born and raised! From The Calliope to Gentilly!! SUGAR HILL!!! I love my city, STILL, and I hate what has been avoidably done to it. I loathe how uninformed, misguided media trashed its history, residents and heritage during Katrina. Those ignorant media members forget teachers (my guardians), civic leaders, judges, police officers (including my family), celebrities and musicians (infamous neighbors and classmates), who made New Orleans the historic city it is, ALSO lost their homes. So, NOLA isn't just a POOR, BLACK TOWN!! But FU Hah-rahl-doh Rah-vera!

Daughter of a mother, who worked THREE jobs, including a federal job, to keep a roof over our heads and provide basic things needed. Youngest child of 4 amazing and strong siblings. RIP to my only brother, John, who at five years old, taught me how to read full books at the age of three. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him, and only wished I could have reached him sooner to tell him one more time how much I love him, and that I wouldn't be here if not for him and his continuous support and unconditional love.

Granddaughter of amazing grandparents, both of whom owned their own successful businesses and homes, and had 9. wait, 8, children each (with one paternal twin uncle dying at birth).

Grandparents Home, Childhood Home & Neighborhood Memories

Maternal Grandparents 9th Ward home. So many memories and parties!! 🥰 But, 9, oops, 8 amazing daughters raised here!! 💞 And what a coincidence, that after Katrina, both homes, which were white, were painted the same green color. Even more amazing, both homes, in two different areas, Gentilly and Lower 9th Ward, survived Katrina, while being surrounded by water from levees, in two different areas.

Lower 9th Ward NOLA Maternal Grandparents' Home. So many memories and parties!! 🥰 But 8 amazing daughters raised here!! 💞
× Lower 9th Ward Family Home
Maternal Grandparents 9th Ward home. So many memories and parties!! 🥰 But 9 8 amazing daughters raised here!! 💞

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Grandparents' and childhood home, and neighborhood memories.

NOLA Childhood home. So many fun memories on front porch with family and friends - spades, Monopoly, Smut, PittyPat and laughs.
NOLA Childhood home
Though you cannot see it, the backyard was huge. lots of bees, fruit from fig tree, and more grass to mow.
The bee sting tree, with fruit, and fence jumped to/from neighbor's yard for more games.
Next door neighbor's still looks the same after all these years.
Around the corner, where we'd jump our fence to play daily.
More around the corner.
Infamous neighbor's home.
Infamous neighbor's home.

Vacationed in FL, MS, GA, AL, hotter-than-a-furnace-Texas as a child. I've lived in all areas of my country except Midwest and Northwest areas. I've lived in Bay Area, California; Austin, Texas area; Columbia, South Carolina; Connecticut; New Jersey; and New York. Traveled to North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, New Mexico, Washington (Seattle, Kent), Nevada, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg), Vermont, Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., Japan (Ome, Shinjuku, Tokyo), Paris, France and its surrounding areas, and Amsterdam.

And I forgot, Boston, Massachusetts. I must have had a death wish, as I hopped on plane from California to Boston, wearing an original Jeff Hamilton Los Angeles Lakers jacket. I was so exhausted - my younger nightclubs to "wait, what's going on today?" days, it didn't hit me where I was going. Good stuff, good times, 😳 in original Boston Garden. 🤣

Drove several times, alone, after Venrock fraud, from Texas to NYC and back, via Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, or via North Carolina/Virginia.

And wow, when you drive through this country, you sure do see a lot of shocking, impoverished and still undeveloped areas, ironically represented by some of the most wealthiest legislators (Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan, especially).

I've lived in communities with all walks of life: rich, poor, all races, nationalities and lifestyles, especially, because of this: Live and Learn. I'm now living in NYC.

Survivor of a Level 3 pedophile/child rapist, thus why I speak to closed groups about my experiences to prevent others from wasting many years surrounded by more predators, fake Christians, and forgetting to live their life based upon who they want to be, not what was done to them by someone who didn't care if they lived or died.

I survived, and still surviving that living nightmare thanks to amazing friends and several supportive family members, and a wonderful husband, whose own life is amazing. Husband was a baseball and basketball player, whose H.S. basketball team became regional champs, with teammate that included a future NBA player. After college, where he also played basketball, he went on to become an NYC Transit Police Officer, and during the 80s at the height of high crime. His unit received several commendations for cutting crime on subways, which back then, was like a whole other city and where communication between other cops didn't really exist. He then transferred to FDNY (firefighter), to a ladder which was one of the tallest units, including with a 6'9" firefighter, who went on to become an attorney. In between all of that, hubby ran several marathons and competed in several triathalons, finishing 5th in one (overtaken by a US Army West Point member during last seconds of downhill skiing competition), and played basketball for FDNY during NYPD/FDNY matches.

I didn't so so bad myself! I'm a former software engineer at Palm Computing (PalmPilot 1.0, 2.0, 3.0* and international products, with the 3.0 product almost not making it out of the door because of me 🤓), and Apple Inc. (Cupertino, CA, Open Transport PPP software, which got many of you online from your Mac for the first time). Former technical engineer at PSI Modem, Global Village Communications (modems), Netscape, and Netcom Online Communications. Yes, I'm part of the team responsible for you being online right now. 😉 If it was up to me, the internet would still be Unix/Linux, and the rest of you would be left offline living in the same bubbles many have created online. 😛

I've blogged since 2001, before it was trendy, with first blog about white collar frauds shut down by att.net after SteelEye/Lifekeeper.com-white collar frauds stalked all communications about them (hi Bob Williamson! 👋🏾) to cover up their fraud, and then phoned an AT&T "legal buddy" to have content disabled per their "online terms and conditions" (which had nothing about aiding and abetting white collar fraud in its online terms and conditions. Hmph. BIFFs!).

The frauds written about on this site know they can't do anything after proudly funding and paying off a white collar fraud, because to do so would mean opening their financial records and more. You also can't suppress someone's direct and personal experiences, not even the Rockefellers, who have "no comment."

But let me have funded a Ponzi schemer, drug trafficker and money launderer, who then blows $22-million in months, and I'd be writing something totally different, and would have been sitting before lots of agencies answering questions. Funny, how that works out differently for BIFFs, every. single. time.

When I speak, it's from experience, not from living in a bubble and expecting everyone to be exactly the same, and from asking the source directly. DIFFERENCES help us grow and become tolerant, and understand what is missing or needs to be changed. Either we grow together or we remain stagnant, leading to extinction.

I'm also the enemy of white collar frauds, corporate frauds, rapists, and violent, territorial drug dealers with cop shooters in tow, as well as their legal muscle, which include corrupt law enforcement on local, state and federal levels that aids and abet their fraud. Of all of my accomplishments, it's a proud badge of honor to be on the opposite side of destructive, unconscionable predators. And I've got official docs from Manhattan DA's Cy Vance/Michael Gordon (US Attorney), Bronx DA/47th Precinct-NYPD Det. Baldesere and organized criminals Kisha Choice and Troy Reed, and Parsippany, NJ Municipal Court (Alvaro Leal and the organized criminals/money launderers who fund Leal: Pressler's Craig Stiller, Frank Petulo, Steven Lang, and now "officially" dead Sheldon Pressler), AND others whom I'm glad to be standing on the opposite side of history as. Oh, and you're welcome, as many of you are NOW safer by making enough noise, or letting their "fake victim" games play out, to expose their corruption!! clapclapclap

* 🤣 I was not a part of the QA team for the PalmPilot 3.0 product, which I've heard many complaints about directly. My product areas included the 1.0, 2.0, International PalmPilot products for all versions and Expense app (Lead QA) and other miscellaneous QA activities. After the 3.0 product was declared "manufacturing ready" with team ready for their ski trip reward, I had to use the "manufacturing ready" product to begin testing for its international conversion. I immediately found a show-stopping bug which halted production. Only a company founder thanked me. Hmph. After leaving Palm and relocating to east coast, I provided consumer input back to the marketing team, which included advice for Palm to add other mobile carriers instead of "putting all eggs in one basket" with Sprint. Once again, speaking from direct experience and living in NYC, Sprint was not the most popular carrier and I was literally seeing consumers chose other PDA phone brands because they were not fans of Sprint. Their product was overlooked consistently in Sprint stores with store employees dismissing Palm's for other PDA phones. Those written ideas were ignored by the Marketing team. Hmmm...where is Palm now?😉

And if you still need to know more about me, visit "Who Cares?" page. Since you're clearly a fan, I'm gonna have to give you $1 MILLION DOLLARS** for your loyalty.
** One million dollars to be issued in Monopoly currency. Hey, why'd the smile disappear?! It's currency! You can buy property, railroads and utility companies as well as pay for hotel stays as you make a rectangle-voyage. 😊

And then there's... Uppity Negress for those who wonder why I never say anything after a conversation with them! 😉 Some folks are just not worth my time, to placate or waste dialog with.

| NOLA | Nawlins | tamranyc | about | NYC | live and learn |

🔗 About Tamra

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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