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Some links/pages have changed, while some pages are still being migrated. 10-years-of posts folks. WOW. In the meantime, use the Site Map while pages are being updated. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. But I appreciate you stopping by! 😊You searched for: "harlem."
Uppity Negress
Apr 21, 2015 7:07pm
Dayum skippy! Never do I want to be subservient to inferior intellect Jim Crow benefactors, nor confederates-kkk.
The Failure of Urban Black Leaders, Law Enforcement Leaders, and Inner City Nightmares
Jun 3, 2014 2:54am
A community is only as good as its leadership.
Shams DaBaron (@homeless_hero aka Ramone Buford) is NO hero, let alone a homeless hero
Jul 23, 2021 6:30pm
Shams DaBaron a/k/a Barron is NO hero, let alone a homeless hero. Shams as a homeless advocate for homeless is like kkk as an advocate for #BlackLivesMatter.
The BET Larry Davis Bronx Tale Documentary
Dec 8, 2008 5:33pm
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan
Once again, The Democrats need to use GOP's actual words for sweeping gun control reform
May 26, 2022 8:43pm
Hold GOP to their words! Legislate a bill requiring mental health evaluations prior to gun ownership. Watch how quickly GOP pivots to another excuse, confirming, they are not about safety, but simply rhetoric for NRA lobbyists money.
The Chi is on brand with gun violence messaging!
Jul 4, 2024 3:16pm
Literal meltdowns over the character-death of Rob, but his death is on brand with gun violence, gangsters, loyalty, organized crime and Chicago's deep violent history.
Blue, Black or Corrupt Lives Matter?? It's clear #CorruptLivesMatter more!
Jul 10, 2015 8:27pm
Crime does pay, and well. Just ask your local white collar and organized crime frauds and the public officials who aid and abet them.
The Failure of Urban Black Leaders, Law Enforcement Leaders, and Inner City Nightmares
Jun 3, 2014 2:54am
A community is only as good as its leadership.
Sam Kiva Finkelstein, DRAX Realty Corp
Jun 4, 2014 2:05am
A community is only as good as its leadership, and the leadership in this community is failing. Crime, drugs and gun trafficking, housing and real estate fraud, immigration scams, and education neglect.
Paying For Lawmakers' Profits From Poverty
Jun 4, 2004 10:05am
The war on poverty has become a get rich quick and scapegoating scheme at the expense of poor and working class.
Paying For Lawmakers' Profits From Poverty
Jun 4, 2004 10:05am
The war on poverty has become a get rich quick and scapegoating scheme at the expense of poor and working class.
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Just. Wow. The Insurrectionist Elect. 😲 Nov 9, 2024
The Chi is on brand with gun violence messaging! Jul 4, 2024
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Help me understand... Jul 3, 2023
4Jun2014 HARLEM HOUSING COMPLEX RAIDS LEAD TO MORE THAN 100 GANG INDICTMENTS. Instead of WORKING TOGETHER, they had beef with other housing projects members, and caused so much crime, such that kids couldn't go out to play and outdoor events had to be canceled because neighbors were live-in hostages.Commenter: Tamra
Commenter's Site:
Comment Date: Jun 4, 2014 4:07pm EST/NYC