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He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.
Author Unknown

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You searched for: "venrock.com."

Larry Davis Is Dead
Larry Davis Is Dead
Jun 1, 2014 1:16am
Bronx False hero and organized criminal Larry Davis is dead, and his urban legend will live on through his grifters and opportunists.

Suicide, PTSD, mental health… because someone needs to read this
Mar 15, 2019 6:56pm
Suicide, PTSD, mental health honesty, because someone needs to read this.

Black Life Does Not Matter
Black Lives Matter, Unless it is My Life!
Jan 17, 2022 9:07am
Black Lives Matter, UNLESS it is Tamra's life, which does not matter to Rockefellers/Venrock or a blacklivesmatter activist who robbed me.

Larry Davis BET Documentary
The BET Larry Davis Bronx Tale Documentary
Dec 8, 2008 5:33pm
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan

Larry Davis Killed In Prison
Larry Davis killed in prison yesterday. did I not just mention this guy?
Feb 21, 2008 7:15am
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan

Free money, except for working class.
Venrock.com, a Rockefeller family scandal, but hey, free money for you!
Jun 11, 2008 7:31pm
Taxpayer-funded fraud, bailed out and protected by lawmakers.

Wow... You Found Me... Again
Dec 8, 2024 8:16pm
Welcome to wild child Tamra's stomping ground, featuring funnies, biography, true stories, consumer fraud awareness, politics, technology, music, history, and other blah blah blah's.

Venrock, a Rockefeller Ponzi scheme funding fraud.
Live and Learn, How I Paid For Venrock's Fraud
May 29, 2005 8:15pm
The top of the food chain, Rockefellers and a Ponzi schemer.

That's all, just 8 items found.

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And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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