tamra.nyc Wild Child Stompin' Ground

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The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
Albert Einstein

👩🏾‍💻 Blue, Black or Corrupt Lives Matter?? It's clear #CorruptLivesMatter more!

Jul 10, 2015 8:27pm EST/NYC


General / In The News / Music / NYC / Politics-Society / Wild Child /

F whatcha heard. Corrupt Lives Matter with #TaxCutsAndJobsAct Profits!

In progress... updating when there's time 😊

First, if you're a murder suspect, you're easier to find. Second, to discredit you in case you ever go public against them.

Edward "Brill" Lyle (Gene Hackman) - Enemy of the State


2002 until 2014, as in TWELVE years of my life dealing with same organized criminals, who are STILL above the law, literally own NYPD, as well as have judges and politicians paid off well. When you've seen so much crime at the top, it's defeating, and you're not sure who's protecting whom. One thing is *for sure*, a violent, territorial drug trafficking, cop shooter AND murderer, is laughing from his grave as his crime crew (Troy Reed, Shams Da Baron/Ramone Buford, and others) still carries out his orders, with help knowingly or unknowingly from NYPD and elected officials.

We must create an atmosphere where the dishonest cop fears the honest cop, not the other way around.

Frank Serpico

The above is exactly how I feel about organized and white collar criminals, who think others should fear them. However, you don't fear someone or a group that's doing wrong 24/7, and at the expense of others NOT doing wrong. But sadly, organized criminals always have corrupt lawmakers and law enforcement aiding and abetting their crimes, which makes them think they're above the law and persons to be treated with respect and reverence. Yea, not in my world!

The Players

Notorious NYC cop shooter AND convicted murderer Larry Davis

Notorious criminal since his teen years. Shot six police officers in NYC as they were coming to serve a warrant. Used his baby as a human shield while shooting at police officers, who could/would not shoot a baby. Went on the run for weeks and became a folk hero for many black persons, especially Shams Da Baron (Ramone Buford), who believe Davis was a victim of injustice. Davis' story has created so much permanent, unbending animosity against police. More NYC born and raised black persons know more "stories" about Davis, than facts about any of the many Tuskegee Airmen in area!

Larry Davis was acquitted for shooting six police officers, after race and corruption card played, by top lawyers afforded from Davis' extensive drug trafficking, the same top lawyers innocent poor persons cannot afford, poor persons, in need, ignored by Davis in his same community. The acquittal made Davis a "hero" for all those who believe all law enforcement members are corrupt, while same persons want to be judged individually, not collectively. 🤦🏾‍♀️

However, for Larry Davis' other crimes, Davis was convicted for murder (two counts) and weapons possession. Larry Davis' behavior in prison amplified his lack of integrity and decency.

Larry Davis was killed in prison after double-dealing other prisoners, extorting from other prisoners, and threatening other prisoners with rape for extortion. Prison may change someone, but either a person has ethics or a conscience before prison, or they don't. Larry Davis never had any ethics nor a conscience, he did whatever he wanted, and prison couldn't stop him, as he found ways to break the law within the law, and taught those who were loyal to him how to do the same. And Davis would use anyone who'd listen to him, but the problem is very few actually "listened" to him or his words, which were beyond shady and repulsive. Davis' number one goal: a movie about himself, a movie which makes him out to be a victim (which he was not), and a hero, (which he could never be). Shams Da Baron is part of that never-ending promotion. Davis double-dealed persons until the day of his death. (Note to self: send a steak dinner to person who shanked Davis in prison. 😊 )

e-Mails from Sham/Shams daBaron a/k/a Shams daBaron (depending on the day or whom he's talking to) and his fellow drug trafficking, NYPD cop shooting promoting brother, NY State convict Raheim Shabazz a/k/a Rahiem Buford (NYSDOCCS 95B0520).



What triggered the e-mail is Shams appearance on BET's American Gangster, and his obsessive need to glorify Davis and demand others do the same, always. Shams, like a Corinne Low-PR nightmare, has been shadowing all about Larry Davis, to keep glorifying his "fam 4 life", a cop shooter, crack cocaine trafficker, and convicted murderer, who destroyed his own area with crack cocaine, and would kill every black person in a room, while Shams is pushing #BlackLivesMatter. Davis supported Shams financially, by extorting from wealthy prisoners and millionaires connected to outside of prison via Troy Reed and Tanya Robertson/Robinson Taylor.

Right now for Shams, Manhattan's Upper West Side is like a "greedy kid in a candy shop": access to wealth/money and a vicious PR advocate, Corinne Low. Low wants to rewrite Shams' history as a "hero" for personal gain, at the expense of others, while dismissing the pain caused by Shams' grime-crime crew, which left me HOMELESS, terrified daily, not sure if I'd make it through each night. "Open Hearts" are the words used in Corinne's "project", while Corinne's heart is cold, distant, non-compassionate for me, the victim of Shams-scams.

Troy Reed


Look at this sociopath, psychopath mofo posting his New York State welfare, organized crime, Son of Sam Law violations, to riches statuses. I used to feel so stupid, being duped by someone posing as a business professional who needed IT work, only to see so many others duped by the same unconscionable, low-life. https://www.merriam-webster.com/legal/Son%20of%20Sam%20law

What's sickening: Reed's "work" (documentaries and associates) involves complaining about law enforcement being "corrupt", while his sole job has been waking up to rob working black women, including mothers, for his comforts. Reed doesn't care who he harms, as long as he gets the money he wants. Money is the only love in his life, and he'll even use and deceive his family to get it.

Reed also lied/lies about his occupation, while "opportunists" around him, never so much as ask for his business info (tax info, business records/license, production credentials, education credentials, etc.). Reed lies so much, lying is now his first language. Reed lied/lies so much, he doesn't think it's wrong, thinks it's normal, and that everyone else is stupid for believing his lies, therefore, NOT HIS PROBLEM.

And even more disgusting, Reed's son, whose business was launched with stolen money, money stolen from me! His business was also started with a lie: a father on welfare, who dodged paying NY State child support, who bought his son expensive sneakers, AND who loaned his son money, using sneakers as loan collateral. There was no loan of any kind, and the sneakers didn't belong to his son.

It's one thing to "fake it, 'til you make it," but to ROB OTHERS, then sit back and post fake "look at my success" pics - using OTHER people's property, all while pretending to be #BlackLivesMatter AND an upstanding father, creating a value system for his son, the same son, he ducked and dodged paying for during his son's upbringing.

When I asked Reed for his tax and work records from 2001 through 2002, AND funds to cover his bounced check, for my business, as I had a legit pre-approved SBA loan, and had to document my work/income, my life was turned upside down, including with threats and witness intimidation, all to keep his organized crime ring going. My black life didn't matter to Reed, except to ROB IT!

Reed even went so far as to tell a woman named "Denise" and others, that he loved them, but once he got their cash, he disappeared to the next unsuspecting woman OR other business professionals, who clearly didn't ask for his tax nor business records. Did I mention, Reed NEVER, ever paid me, his check bounced (theft by deception), thus, why I'm able to write this info, free and clear? There was NEVER any intention to pay me, why I was targeted - as a red herring for their Son of Sam law violation, video production schemes and web promotions.

Reed was and will always be Larry Davis' errand boy, video producer, cop shooter promoter, fraudulent welfare recipient - including while producing Street Stars videos that many were robbed for, including me, while fathering 8+ kids, and scamming NYC Child Support Court to avoid paying for child support. He's currently "wealthy" after theft of funds via Abe Hirschfeld and other prisoners, that Larry Davis extorted money from.

No telling who else Reed hustled from 2003 until now, including his own children. Dog eat dog-parenting and Reed go hand-in-hand together. Reed brags about being the son of federally incarcerated prisoner, Guy Fisher, another notorious NYC drug trafficker, who claims to have owned the Apollo Theater at one point. Yes, the same Guy Fisher who was once partners with another notorious drug trafficker, Nicky Barnes, who was also associated with another notorious drug trafficker, Frank Lucas ("American Gangster"). Reed calls him "Pops" and visits him in prison often, I'm guessing for "business tips."

Now, after obtaining wealth through funds extorted via Larry Davis and drug trafficking, Reed promotes his son's "Sneaker Pawn" business in Harlem, including on NYC's Fox 5 with the son of former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, Greg Kelly, and Rosanna Scotto, the relative of someone Troy Reed admires, John Gotti. John Gotti, and a few other organized criminals, are the only persons Reed has empathy for, otherwise, Reed is a serial predator, void of empathy for others, including his own children and ex-wife, which he'd use, in a heartbeat, to further his crimes.

But let's think about that for a second: a guy who promotes a cop shooter, and makes a hero out of him, as well as promotes other drug traffickers he trafficked directly with, was on NYC Fox 5 promoting a business he launched "for his son," WITH the son of someone I admired, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, and the relative of someone he admires, John Gotti.

It's true, crime DOES pay, and #CorruptLivesMatter. 😐

But check out what DRUG TRAFFICKING, and EXTORTION, with NYPD's help, (knowingly AND unknowingly), gets you:

https://www.myfoxny.com/story/25795127/sneaker-pawn-in-harlem - visit Wayback Machine to view





And the following documentaries are not produced by an "independent documentarian", BUT by a drug dealer, DIRECTLY involved with all video subject matters. Again, CRIME PAYS, especially when law enforcement helps advance your career and profits, you have crafty lawyers and criminals who teach you how to break the law within the law, and how to stay two steps ahead of any law enforcement who's "not down with the organized grime-crime team".

Troy Reed (welfare recipient) presents: Game Over https://www.amazon.com/Game-Over-Street-Stars-Collection/dp/B000RETO10/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437860766&sr=8-1&keywords=street+stars

Troy Reed (welfare recipient) presents: Larry Davis Story https://www.amazon.com/Street-Stars-Larry-Davis-Story/dp/B000S0PLU6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437860793&sr=8-1&keywords=street+stars+larry+davis

Troy Reed (welfare recipient) presents: Guy Fisher Story https://www.amazon.com/GUY-FISHER-STORY-VARIOUS/dp/B0009MAPMM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437860870&sr=8-1&keywords=street+stars+guy+fisher

Troy Reed (welfare recipient) presents: Karlton Hines Story https://www.amazon.com/STREET-STARS-KARLTON-HINES-STORY/dp/B000V3JGLU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1437860945&sr=8-2&keywords=street+stars+karlton+hines

Troy Reed (welfare recipient) presents: The Alpo Story https://www.amazon.com/Alpo-Story-Street-Stars-Collection/dp/B00261R3OM

And Troy Reed welfare recipient (with millions of dollars extorted, while still collecting welfare to avoid child support payments): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Street-Stars-Films/102450326515988 - note ZERO taxes paid for his production company.

All of these documentaries were produced while Reed was on New York State welfare and living in a welfare-reduced apartment on Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, and while providing his welfare recipient mother's Morris Avenue NYCHA housing projects address as his "place of business." Reed, as a family member and associate of Larry Davis, was also violating Son of Sam Law, which prevents criminals from profiting from their crimes.

Must be nice, huh? But again, CRIME DOES PAY!! 🤑🤑💵💰

Reed's daily job, while producing videos and collecting welfare: traveling from one woman to another to hustle funds and connections, or to cover up criminal activities, which includes drug trafficking from NYC, North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. So many of his victims have reached out to me to disclose how each was harmed by Reed and his organized grime-crime crew. I know their stories well.

Meanwhile, Reed brags about all his "babies' mothers" being Spanish, white women are easier to hustle (because they don't ask him too many questions and just do what he says), and how educated black women, who work for a living, are "suckers" that he can easily blackmail, if necessary. One of those black women, known as "Denise", tried to kill herself. Reed simply laughs it all off as "just part of the game" a/k/a "do what ya gotta do."

Reed, when bored with his many ride-or-die chicks, also loves to use escort services for threesomes and more. His motto, "yes, they escort you right to bed." He brags about knowing a woman who turned him on to escort services, and how cool she was.

Reed also bragged about choking his ex-wife with a telephone cord, because she asked him where he was after he arrived home late. He claims to have owned a barber shop in Harlem. Reed also claimed to have been a substitute teacher at NYC Schools, where he had affairs with Italian female teachers, exclusively, including while classes were in session. I'd believe Reed was held in detention, as an adult, then had sex with the teacher, before I believe an illiterate person with a mild form of retardation, was school teacher. However, Reed also claimed to have clerked for Judge Mathis.

Reed also takes information from homes of women to blackmail with, or use against them later, to cover himself after his fraud is discovered. Reed also carries a voice recorder, which is primarily used to record every single conversation with women in order to laugh about it later with his multiple girlfriends and friends, including Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford, OR to harm, threaten and/or blackmail/extort money from women being hustled. Reed uses his ride-or-die chicks to find the words to say to each woman hustling, to say what they want to hear, to gain access to their apartments, financial records and more.

One woman, Chloe Hilliard, a former "journalist" for "The Source", was so taken in by him, that she printed in "The Source" magazine that Reed had a college degree in Business Administration, when promoting his "Street Stars" products, which led to millions in sales! LOLLLLLL Troy Reed can't even READ!! OH MY GAWD. But when I asked Hilliard via phone how she could print such a preposterous lie, after I saw her on our local news station as a "credible" witness for a hip-hop story, her response, as a journalist, was, "it's not my job to fact check anything." Then, she began to berate me about not knowing about "publicists", and suggested I get a publicist for my own behalf. Wait, someone to lie for me then take the blame for that lie? So it doesn't matter how grimy you are, just get a PR person to create a fake image, and then sell that fraud to other opportunists. 😐

Wanna see how much of a psychopath and sociopath Troy Reed is? Lying is his first language. He should have obtained a job as an actor, because he manages to con so many in a short amount of time.

Sneaker Pawn exposed as a sham front... yeah, for money laundering, drugs and guns trafficking!

This isn't the first time Reed has created a business and not paid any taxes. He cannot file taxes for a business, as an active welfare recipient. The welfare collection helps to avoid paying ANY child support fees.

https://news.yahoo.com/sneaker-pawn-store-owned-teenager-182949005.html - sneaker pawn sham





This entire video segment would be heartfelt, if the father, Troy Reed, wasn't a serial liar and predator, who has killed and harmed many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjhvwJaSkSo How's Denise doing? Say "hi" to Tanya Taylor Robinson! But I feel really bad for his son, who had to find out nationally, how shady his father was/is. 😞

And now... Troy Reed's "dad", Guy Fisher is now out of federal prison (Oct 2020), but with a Ph.D. in sociology, courtesy of taxpayers, after amassing a body count in drug trafficking and organized crime. Perhaps Fisher can help his grimy, serial predator "son" learn how to read. Reading may come in handy in prison, should his crime passes expire with Cy Vance, Alvin Bragg and other corrupt public officials. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-drug-king-guy-fisher-life-after-prison-20210516-cgg3kk5parhhrgf47sdv3g7gam-story.html

Meanwhile, trauma to me, caused by Reed's fraud and greed, was/is hilarious to Reed. What Reed did in Edgewater, New Jersey was outrageous, especially as I was starving to death because of his fraud. When someone is robbed, the robbers don't care what happens to their victim. Predators DO NOT care about anyone but themselves.

Kisha Choice

Girlfriend and ride-or-die chick of Troy Reed. Formerly employed by Affinity in the Bronx. On October 31, 2002, Kisha's office phone and computer were used to both phone and email my home in Edgewater, NJ. Calls were made every few seconds. Every single word was recorded and the words were transposed onto Kisha Choice's answering machine. But where Reed failed, there were no phone records from Edgewater to Choice to match the call time or length of the call from the recording. But that doesn't matter to Reed, because he has experts who help him break the law within the law.

From Kisha Choice's office computer, threatening emails were sent, as well as emails which contained utmost hostility. Reed was apparently angry that he was not being reached out to by me. Gee, I guess I had other priorities, like Venrock, forged check attempts from Reed, fake business appearances from Reed, plus a violent gangster (Reed's partner) phoning my home, to worry about. Reed also lied to upstate federal officials that we were living together, AFTER conning me. My avoiding him ruined that lie. Oh well.

The emails were instantly traced to Affinity in the Bronx - they were so stupid, they were emailing person responsible for much of tech they're using, and who instantly looked up the IP info, with Affinity's HR and NOC being sent copies of the emails and phone logs. Affinity's HR confirmed that both calls and emails were being sent from Kisha Choice's computer and phone, to my personal email and home number. Kisha Choice was fired. But wait, there's more. Kisha Choice, with tutoring from Troy Reed and his "break the law within the law" attorney, then turned around and played victim through NYPD's 47th Precinct in the Bronx. However, Kisha Choice failed to mention her forged/extortion check relationship with Troy Reed.

Also, because Reed carries a voice recorder 24/7 (creepy little extortionist, ain't he?), every single thing I said to mock the calls, after about the 50th call within a half-hour -- such as "listen kids, try someone else" (because it was Halloween Day and assumed it was children), "you're calling someone who could be dying of cancer" (thinking maybe the kids would back off at that point, but it wasn't a kid, but Reed and Kisha Choice) -- were literally repeated verbatim by Bronx NYPD's 47th Precinct Detective Baldesere. Now, ask yourself, how would that be possible, if he's NOT working directly with or for Troy Reed?

NYPD's 47th Precinct Detective Baldesere even claimed Kisha Choice's statements were credible. Yes, the ride-or-die chick of cop shooter Larry Davis' crew was credible. #BlueLivesMatter, huh? NOPE! #CorruptLivesMatter. Another detective questioned the statements of Kisha Choice after reading her emails and HR statements from Affinity in the Bronx. NYPD's Baldesere swept Kisha Choice's repeated and incessant calls from her office to me, violent and derogatory emails sent from Affinity's office network, and the fact that Kisha Choice was helping Reed launder money extorted, via Larry Davis, under a rug. Basically, NYPD's Baldesere chose to help out a cop shooter's organized grime-crime crew (discredit witness to their crimes). #BlueLivesMatter, huh? NOPE! #CorruptLivesMatter.

A person under criminal investigation or with a criminal record is not a credible witness against an organized grime-crime crew! Again, these folks know how to break the law within, exceptionally. I wonder if NYPD's Baldesere has been actively protesting on behalf of #BlueLivesMatter, because from my view, corrupt cop shooter's lives mattered more to him. Reed and Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford have been actively protesting for #BlackLivesMatter, BUT my black life DID NOT MATTER. Neither cared if I lived or died, but preferred me dead to keep their hustle going, uncontested. Their main women crew members, were the worst, Carolyn Patron and Tanya Robinson Taylor, their "go to gal" for meetings with persons and celebs being hustled. They both smiled in person's faces, while working with Shams, Davis and Reed to hustle women.

Carolyn "Cat" Patron

Niece of Larry Davis. Sexual partner of Troy Reed. Beneficiary of funds Troy Reed receives from other women and millionaires, being hustled by Reed through Larry Davis. One woman's home was used for sexual escapades with Cat and Troy Reed, while the woman Reed hustled, worked daily at her office. After Troy Reed stole all that he needed from the woman, including video equipment to produce "A Troy Reed Joint", Larry Davis-Street Stars video, Reed abruptly ended the relationship, leaving her with many questions, distraught and eventually suicidal. Reed even took the clothes the woman purchased, same clothes worn to business meetings (while on welfare) and court appearances to dodge child support, briefcase and all. Troy Reed, with Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford and the rest of his grime-crime crew, laughs about one woman's (Denise) near death experience that Reed created, and how he used her for his financial gain. The grime-crime crew calls working black women "suckers", and refer to kindness as "weakness" to be preyed upon by them.

Derrick Barnes

Roommate and partner of Troy Reed. Both living in a Section 8-welfare reduced, studio apartment in Bronx (registered in another Reed relative's name) while producing videos, attending entertainment events, laundering money, trafficking drugs, guns and more. Where you find Reed, you'll find Derrick.

Lisa Graves

Long-time childhood friend and sex partner of Troy Reed, and mother of Reed's 7th or 8th++ child by 8++ women. Works for NYC's Administration for Child Services, while Reed scammed NY State Child Support Services to avoid paying for his children, including Chase, whom he now parades around as his protege and business partner/employer ("Sneaker Pawn", "the father who works for his son" - there's that PR again!!!), all while drug trafficking. Carolyn Patron is cool with her also sleeping with Troy Reed, because she knows her sexual history. Basically, sexually sharing same person, who has unprotected sex with numerous women, for the purpose of financial gain. 😲

It was Lisa's blue Kia Sportage used weekly by Reed to move products (drugs, videos, etc.), cash forged checks, and escort his other girlfriends around as needed. Derrick Barnes was always with him, including when other women were picked up or dropped off, while Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford was part of it all, including financially benefiting from the various deceptions, frauds and crimes. Derrick's classic response, "Troy, man that boy is wild", while going along with all.

Abe Hirschfeld

Larry Davis, Troy Reed, Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford, Rahiem Buford/Shabazz and Tanya Taylor's "cash cow," golden ticket to riches. Hirschfeld was an attorney and millionaire, who established parking garages throughout NYC. He once offered Paula Jones $1-million dollars to settle her lawsuit against President Bill Clinton. Arrested by Manhattan DA for "putting out a hit on his law partner". Served time with Larry Davis at Sullivan Correctional Facility in New York State - he was targeted upon entrance by Davis.

Hirschfeld was extorted, via threats of rape, from Larry Davis. Davis coerced Hirschfeld, via force, to create a list of names that would be associated with Hirschfeld. That list of names was used to create a fake hit list. The hit list was a red herring to cover up that Hirschfeld was being extorted from by Larry Davis, while Troy Reed grabbed all the cash he could get from Hirschfeld. An NYC judge's life was unnecessarily placed in fear, with taxpayers funding cost of extra security for the judge. Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford applauded Davis as a hero, a victim, while also benefiting from Davis' hustles.

Jeff Wooten

New Jersey/New York attorney and friend of Troy Reed, who "oversaw" the "transfer of legalities" between Larry Davis, Troy Reed and Abe Hirschfeld. Attends entertainment events with Troy Reed, and introduces himself as the attorney for "Street Stars Entertainment," a business owned by a welfare recipient, which has ZERO financial records. And note Wooten's base in New Jersey, same as Pressler & Pressler (below).


Hasidic real estate owner, who served time with Larry Davis at Sullivan Correctional Facility. Larry Davis phoned my home repeatedly, and even asked me to hold the mother hostage, while he extorted from him in prison. This scam - because I shut it down - led to Larry Davis being transferred to Shawangunk Correctional Facility, where he was shanked to death by another prisoner. Resounding applause was heard throughout the prison. You see, Davis played victim, but he was ALWAYS a predator. Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford, again, applauded Davis as a hero, a victim, while also benefiting financially from Davis' hustles, extortion, identity theft and threats of violence.

Edgewater, New Jersey Police Department

Had enough sense to investigate statements of Reed, Choice and others, while they were ironically extorting money from Abe Hirschfeld, and pretending to be a victim, with me listed as their predator, while I was actually being threatened daily by Reed. Reed actually showed up to my local city claiming he was being harassed, sat right next to me in Edgewater Municipal Court, as if he was a "credible, reputable business man" (with zero business records), while unknown to him I was already meeting with other law enforcement officials about Reed, Choice, etc.

Troy Reed disappeared after Edgewater, NJ Police determined his statements were not credible, unfounded, especially since Reed claimed he, through his then 12-year-old daughter Alexis (Lex) Reed, was being harassed by me, in Bronx Morris Ave housing projects, a high crime area, alone, early mornings, in a white convertible BMW, a car I no longer owned 6-months prior to their perjured statements, as I could no longer afford it, because of his and Venrock's fraud, a car I WORKED for, but was the first thing to turn in immediately at lease end - when his check bounced, so that I could have a roof over my head, AFTER Reed's organized crime grime. Reed using a child to commit fraud, a crime, should have resulted in an ACS case, but Lisa Graves' team fought like a dog to protect Reed putting a child in front of a judge, to lie, to further an organized crime, extortion ring.

Also, unrelated, within minutes, Edgewater Police helped rescue a very much alive snake that my cat, Tina, dragged into house as one of her many gifts. 😽

Too bad they didn't do mouse rescues to prevent me from screaming and disturbing neighbors, until it was captured and removed by me, by trying every single thing, except picking up a little mouse and tossing it outside. But hey, at least I know my two cats loved me and wanted me to survive. I wasn't eating much and losing too much weight, because of the stress (from Troy Reed's witness intimation, after Venrock's Ponzi scheme funding), and oldest cat was outside hunting more daily, and "bringing home the bacon," while teaching me how to hunt by bringing in live catches. 😉 Me to Missy: baby, I can hunt "McDonald's" if things get really bad.

I should have listened to my cat, Missy, DAY ONE. The day she met Reed, she did something I'd only seen ONE other time in the future. Missy hissed, growled and went into attack mode, before Reed even knocked on my door. I had to put her in another room. She never, ever liked him, and couldn't wait for a moment to attack him. I guess she picked up on his evil instantly. Had I listened to her, all I would have had to write about regarding Reed: 'memba that guy who "snuck" into an investor meeting that I paid for? But thanks to Venrock's fraud, my guard was down, and I was literally at lowest point of my life. You meet low-life trash in hell, or during troubling situations. The trash you meet when things are going well, you simply step over and keep it moving.

I did listen to Missy, instantly, the next time a dangerous person tried to "befriend" and "help" me, while I was homeless as a result of back-to-back fraud. Man, it's amazing how many survive in NYC, with so many grimy hustlers and scam artists. Just think of the things that could be done if persons in Harlem followed the initiative of persons like Madame C.J. Walker or Duke Ellington, and worked together to establish businesses and services, instead of having to steal from and kill each other, for short-term or get-rich-quick gains, while having to watch out for everyone harmed along the way. But hey, what do I know, I'm just crazy, right?

Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw a/k/a New Century Financial Services

Since 2003, Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw a/k/a New Century Financial Services has falsified multiple accounts in my name, on behalf of violent, territorial drug traffickers Larry Davis (cop shooter), Troy Reed, and Reed's "break the law within the law" advisors, including Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford. All three accounts, falsified in my name, are accounts directly associated with Larry Davis, including my infamous $2900++ phone bill, which exposed all of Larry Davis' fraud and led to his transfer to Shawangunk Correctional Facility, where he was subsequently killed by another prisoner. The debts falsified in my name... wait for it... allowed Pressler to track my whereabouts, and related family members, at the request of Reed-Davis organized grime-crime crew. Pressler hasn't collected ONE CENT for any of its falsified debts, because whenever I ask for "proof of ownership" for the debts, Pressler simply disconnects the call, then, like Reed, turned around and played victim, with both NYPD and Parsippany, NJ Municipal's Court help, to avoid, and create red-herrings for, federal investigations into... wait for it... FALSIFYING DEBTS IN MY NAME. 😐

"Mind your tone, know your place, nigger, while we're breaking the law. We'll get the law on you, while we're breaking the law, nigger." - Jim Crow benefactors Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw

Steven Lang, Karen Ducharme and Sheldon Pressler even went so far as to claim I threatened to shoot up their Parsippany, New Jersey office building (a black, female mass shooter? hmph 🤨), BUT there were NO police reports, ZERO police involvement in New Jersey, not even a 9-1-1 call - same MO as Troy Reed using his then tween daughter, Alexis "Lex" Reed, to claim a $47,000 convertible, white BMW was sitting outside his Bronx-Morris Avenue housing projects home, late night, just waiting: create a victim status to discredit witness against your organized criminal activity. Lex Reed's grandmother's NYCHA housing projects' home was actually the address Reed used/listed for both his welfare fraud and business purposes.

The first thing my attorney in New Jersey did was request discovery via Parsippany's police department, and my attorney was immediately advised there were NO reports, complaints calls or contact from Pressler, and that Pressler declined police involvement - yet, stated someone (me) was going to shoot up their office building, and oddly Parsippany Police declined to get involved in anything Pressler related. Pressler didn't need police involvement anyway, Pressler OWNS Parsippany Municipal Court, especially Alvaro Leal and Douglas Cabana. All on first name basis, dine-wine together, etc., etc. Corrupt Lives Matter, folks!

Parsippany Municipal court clerk, Alvaro Leal, signed off on "private warrants" for both me and a "James DeBarnardo" because of "probable cause" based upon a "private CITIZEN'S COMPLAINT" (a/k/a keep this on down low from feds) from Steven Lang, who refused to mention any of the debts falsified in my name. And both "citizens complaints" were for the EXACT same charges, while Steven Lang lied under oath and stated, "they've never had a problem with anyone else before" when describing me, and vice versa when describing James DeBarnardo. I don't know who James DeBarnardo is, but I suspect he has a ton of CREDIBLE dirt on Pressler.

Pressler, through Lang, who's called their "rabid muscle" (because he doesn't let up until he gets what he wants), ONLY uses their taxpayer-funded fraud pass (court clerks, judges, Manhattan DA) when someone is exposing their fraud, and the exposure needs to be shut down to keep the fraud running smoothly. But then he met Tamra... a person with NOTHING to lose, and more to gain, by exposing their fraud. 👩🏾‍💻 $2.5-million judgement against Pressler: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201604_cfpb_consent-order-pressler-pressler-llp-sheldon-h-pressler-and-gerard-j-felt.pdf

At the same time, literally on SAME day, NYPD's 1st Precinct assisted Pressler 100%, using solely the words from Pressler (Steven Lang and Craig Stiller) and Pressler's internal and altered evidence, while Pressler conveniently omitted valuable calls, which included calling me a "bitch", laughing at me while saying "fuck you, we ain't worried about the cops because we OWN them", "yes we're proud of being unethical and dishonest" (Jennifer K), and Frank Petulo's mocking my FTC complaint (on same day as other ALTERED recorded evidence that Mike Gordon presented on Pressler's behalf), "how'd that work out for you?" while laughing. Frank Petulo later denied under oath in Manhattan from December 11-13, 2014, that he had ZERO knowledge of my FTC complaint, yet, Petulo was the respondent to FTC (with FTC document sitting right in front of Michael Gordon), and all details of all communications and active investigations are in my Pressler file, so that any employee who received the call would know: don't give out any information, transfer her (me) to a specific bogus voicemail extension, because this account is a fraud account, i.e., we have no justification for these accounts, because we're simply helping out the organized grime-crime grew of a drug trafficking, cop shooter and his crew that we launder money for.

Michael "Mike" Gordon left Manhattan DA's office, and failed up to Deputy US Attorney in Florida, while receiving accolades for aiding and abetting public corruption, from his "peers". Betcha Mike is keeping his head down, to keep a paycheck and a spotlight off of his lack of skills, dishonesty and deception. It's wild out here y'all. And to this day, I still do not have proof of ownership. But that little stunt, cost Pressler $2.5-million, plus opened door to other lawsuits against Pressler from law firms. And, I never have to hear from Pressler AGAIN, while their organized crime is under a spotlight, forever. And the best part, Cy Vance is gone too, didn't stand a chance of winning after Vance's Corrupt Lives Matter games exhausted voters (Harvey Weinstein, #badgradestrump, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Pressler — anyone rich, white, who paid Vance to look away from their crimes). Vance became a complete disgrace, given his father's direct involvement with Frank Serpico's Knapp Commission. But another corrupt person simply took Vance's place.

The most shocking and bold call came from Sheldon Pressler himself, in June of 2012. His exact words which made my mouth drop open: "you're so stupid, if the FBI was gonna do anything, they'd have done it now." Basically admitting, he knows he's above the law at this point, given he's been running same scam since 1996, a scam which has netted an extreme amount of wealth for Sheldon Pressler and pals.

Morris County Prosecutor also received the fake threat of violence (shoot up office building) "Citizen's Complaint" Steven Lang personally signed, and had signed off by his Parsippany, NJ Municipal Court clerk-buddy Alvaro Leal, BUT dismissed the "threat of violence complaint" immediately. Why Lang was not charged with filing a false report is baffling. Parsippany's police won't go after Pressler for obvious reasons. Pressler owns Parsippany Township. Their fraud/scams, while aiding a notorious drug trafficking, cop shooter, brings in revenue to city, as well as provides additional funds to city officials (judges, clerks, law enforcement, prosecutor, etc.). #BlueLivesMatter, eh? NOPE. #CorruptLivesMatter.

But let's think about that: a person claims falsely that someone threatened to shoot up their office building - a black woman too, but there's no 9-1-1 call regarding that claim. However, there was an active complaint from me to FTC - Consumer Fraud & Protection Bureau, as well as on file with NY and NJ's Attorney General's Office (which couldn't/wouldn't do anything as long as there was ANY open legal matter - civil or criminal). In fact, Pressler's only response, in writing, to both FTC and AG regarding debts falsified in my name: Tamra is a wanted criminal (because Pressler filed "citizen's complaints" as soon it they realized my next step was to contact state and federal authorities), don't listen to anything she says, while never answering to merits of the debts falsified in my name. Again, it helps to know how to break the law within the law, and Pressler knows every law-breaking trick in the book. And Troy Reed and Pressler are one in the same, as both have run the exact same operation for decades.

But that fake threat of gun violence threat really hurt, because I'm VERY anti-gun, and loathe gun nuts and mass shooters. It also hurt even more that this occurred after I protested on behalf of NYPD, because of all the crime I personally saw after moving to NYC area after being robbed by Reed, crime that is excused as "that's just the way it is." REALLY??!! And it was equally as hurtful as having your credit ruined and credit score lowered because of frauds who are literally above the law.

Meanwhile, during the same time, Pressler claimed that their "lives were in danger" in Parsippany, New Jersey, Craig Stiller, attorney of Pressler & Pressler, who is based out of Long Island and operates via Pressler's 305 Broadway NY NY 10007, a P.O. Box facility, was sending out REPEATED FAKE STATE SUBPOENAS with my name to businesses, assumed neighbors, etc., demanding all personal and financial information in my name. The fake state document referenced a closed-case index and actually stated it was from "The People of the State of New York". One person believed it was legitimate and returned information to Stiller. Last time I checked, that was against the law (falsifying state documents). But this is standard practice of Pressler, with hundreds of thousands of consumers complaining about receiving fake state/court documents and debts falsified in their name. But wait...

Even worse, Pressler has been running a white collar fraud ring since 1996, with Sheldon Pressler creating a sham company to file lawsuits on his own behalf, including for accounts NEVER lawfully owned. Pressler uses its fake office/P.O. Box at 305 Broadway, New York, NY, 10007, solely for the purpose of establishing false jurisdiction in civil and criminal courts. Manhattan DA, especially Michael Gordon, will even create entire fake incidents based upon an address that is the equivalent of a P.O. Box, in order to further Pressler & Pressler's fraud, basically aiding and abetting the legal muscle for drug trafficking, cop shooter's organized grime-crime crew.

Manhattan Civil Court's law enforcement is also aware of Pressler's fraud. But because of the volume of funds Pressler brings into Manhattan's Civil Court (400+ cases filed daily), with court clerks paid off, especially Sonia Wickham, civil court's law enforcement overlooks the fact that Pressler is filing lawsuits on behalf of a sham company, New Century Financial Services, including for accounts never lawfully owned. #BlueLivesMatter, huh? NOPE. #CorruptLivesMatter.

Sonia Wickham actually oversaw the second/adjourned Manhattan Civil Court hearing (March 18, 2014) regarding my filed Order To Show Cause, to force Pressler to provide proof of ownership, in order to vacate their fake judgement in my name. Yet, Sonia Wickham should have recused herself from the hearing because of our prior person communications: she knew who I was personally, including by name, and where I was living, and knew persons residing in same building with, after being scammed on apartment in Manhattan. Plus, she berated me personally for using the word "black", instead of "African-American", after I filed a small claims suit against the shady realtor, who rented the fake apartment to me. And don't get me started on that "African-American" nonsense, especially given my family's origin is Native American, and Dutch & British (before UK-ruled US slavery). And Sonia wants to claim "African", but doesn't want to "use a village" to raise a child properly and keep a child safe, which explains why kids in NYC area are senselessly packing heat with intent to use gun for any reason!!

At the first Order To Show cause meeting (March 11, 2014), Steven Lang, WHO IS NOT LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN NEW YORK STATE, appeared AND argued before the court. A sane judge presided, but Steven Lang, AN UNLICENSED ATTORNEY IN NEW YORK STATE, stifled all other voices and, with Craig Stiller as silent as a mouse, derailed the hearing, to hide that "Proof of Ownership" did not exist, by:

1. filing a ridiculous and disturbing "Motion To Compel" MY FAMILY'S PERSONAL ADDRESS AND/OR LOCATION (gee, on behalf of the Davis organized grime-crew, I guess) and

2. advising judge that I should not be entertained because I was a "wanted criminal in Parsippany, NJ" (which his Parsippany court clerk buddy signed off on with "probable cause", just prior to the motion).

So, the first civil court hearing (March 11, 2014) was adjourned a week later (March 18, 2014) solely because of Steven Lang's actions, and then with a "friend of Pressler" judge (Jose Padilla) and court clerk (Sonia Wickham) presiding, the hearing was ruled in Steven Lang's favor (vacate my motion and force me to refile my Order To Show Cause using family's home address information. WHAT??!!), motion granted on behalf of an attorney WHO'S NOT LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN NEW YORK STATE, because... my mailing address was considered a P.O. Box, while Pressler operates out of a P.O. Box. Judge Jose Padilla stated Sonia Wickham's previous words, from personal discussions with her, right down to the period: "I'm not a fan of P.O. Boxes." But, you're sure as hell are a fan of Pressler's P.O. Box (305 Broadway, NY NY 10007) address!

There's no point in refiling the Order To Show Cause, I already know the outcome: Pressler IS above the law and knows every trick in the book to circumvent Proof of Ownership, as evident by all the links below. I spoke directly with one woman, who spent 11-years fighting with Pressler, only to have The Department of Justice vacate Pressler's fraud judgment against her. I don't have eleven more years to waste with frauds, but I'm wondering where the law enforcement is that should be fighting Pressler's fraud and organized crime.

There are hundreds of thousands of identical consumer horror stories, with not one elected official or member of law enforcement to do anything about it. "Funniest" thing is, I did forward all of my Pressler documents to Senator Bob Menendez. He's now under indictment, while Pressler has a fraud pass! New Jersey's Attorney General simply forwards the numerous consumer complaints against Pressler to FTC - Consumer Fraud and Protection Bureau, but Pressler obstructs that process by responding with one ridiculous statement after another, which overwhelms FTC, which allows Pressler's fraud to continue to "operate as normal".

And New York's Attorney General's Office, specifically Eric Schneiderman, is a "friend of Pressler". Basically, Pressler can falsify debts in anyone's name, including retired and disabled veterans, and then take their property without ever having to prove anything. I'm sure mafia members, sitting in prison for life, are in awe!

When Andrew Cuomo was Attorney General, he was the only person to take any action against Pressler.

Attorney General Cuomo Sues To Throw Out Over 100,000 Faulty Judgments Entered Against New York Consumers In Next Stage Of Debt Collection Investigation https://www.ag.ny.gov/press-release/attorney-general-cuomo-sues-throw-out-over-100000-faulty-judgments-entered-against-new

It sucks that Schneiderman, New York State's top cop after Cuomo, became Governor, gave Pressler a permanent fraud pass.

I filed a complaint with NY State Civil Courts (ethics and inspector general entities) regarding the March 11 and 18, 2014 incidents, however, the court's compliance officers saw no wrong doing in Sonia Wickham presiding over matter, nor her exact words spoken in 2007 being the "deciding factor", while an unlicensed New York attorney, Steven Lang argued before the court. The falsified debts in my name were never addressed. Well played, white collar criminals, well played. #CorruptLivesMatter. It helps to know the law in order to break every aspect of it! It also helps to have a paid off court clerk and judge presiding over matter as well.

All of Pressler's criminal actions fall within Manhattan DA's territory, but Manhattan DA, Cy Vance, is a "friend of Pressler". New York's top cop, Attorney General Eric Schniederman's office, has jurisdiction over Manhattan DA, but Schneiderman too, is a "friend of Pressler". U.S. Attorney's Southern District has jurisdiction over Schneiderman AND Manhattan DA, but Manhattan DA's Michael Gordon is a former employee of the Southern District's office, thus no one at the Southern District "sees any wrong doing of Pressler", it's just "Tamra" and hundreds of thousands of consumers wronged by Pressler, at the expense of taxpayers, who are the problem. Corrupt attorneys of a feather always flock together. I guess that explains why Dominique Strauss-Kahn walked freely from a rape charge, courtesy of Manhattan DA Cy Vance. #CorruptLivesMatter.

Per NY FBI, Pressler's crimes (falsifying state documents, filing false police reports, perjury, and more) fall under Manhattan DA's jurisdiction. But per Steven Lang, who stated this publicly and on the record, Manhattan DA has sent a powerful message: I (and hundreds of thousands of consumers wronged by Pressler) AM the problem, AND Pressler's fraud is to be protected at ALL TAXPAYER COSTS. Nice, huh? #CorruptLivesMatter.

A taxpayer funded white collar fraud ring.

How can I get me one of these? Oh wait, I can't because it's called: not interested in being a white collar OR organized criminal, while letting people enjoy their lives they've worked for; and not preying upon people, especially for financial gain!!

Manhattan DA's Michael Gordon, as well as their Public Integrity division, excused every single criminal activity of Craig Stiller, Steven Lang and Pressler & Pressler (the fake subpoenas, the P.O. Box address, which Stiller claims he actually had telephone conversations with me at, and falsifying debts in my name). However, in Pressler's simultaneous "double jeopardy" case in Parsippany, NJ, which was literally filed via "Citizen's Complaint" right after my FTC complaint was escalated against Pressler, Craig Stiller was not listed as a witness to any of Steven Lang's "complaint", while the same witnesses listed in New Jersey, were part of Michael Gordon's aiding/abetting process, and P.O. Box-Craig Stiller had a SEPARATE identical complaint aided and abetted by NYPD!

Oh, and a Parsippany, NJ police captain was fired for exposing corruption in the township of Parsippany, the home base of Pressler. #BlueLivesMatter, eh? NOPE. #CorruptLivesMatter. And NJ Governor Chris Christie's ally is linked to this massive corruption, while Christie runs for President of the United States, ironically while gutting public servants pensions and unions are his top priority. Yup, #BlueLivesMatter! NOPE. #CorruptLivesMatter. Christie's ally is also aware of the massive consumer fraud based in Parsippany. I know, because I have copies of an e-mail sent to ALL Parsippany City Council members, as well as the local prosecutor, Douglas Cabana, who's also BFF of Pressler & Pressler.



It's very clear that corrupt lives matter MORE!

Click Image To View Details
Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw
It's assumed that Lee Pressler is the brother of Sheldon Pressler. Pressler's Steven Lang stated publicly and ON RECORD that NCFSI is now incorporated in the name of Sheldon Pressler's son. "Put it in my baby's name!" Boldest white collar fraud ever, and it's been operating for over 20-years now.

Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw
There it is in black & white, Sheldon Pressler creating his own bank jacking front — it is UNLAWFUL for an attorney to file lawsuits on his own behalf. Sheldon to further his fraud transferred ownership to his son's name, while his son has zero involvement with NCFSI, and Eric Sombers is an employee of both NCFS & Pressler.

Pressler & Pressler aka Pressler Felt & Warshaw
I wonder how many of these Lee Pressler even knows about or if he's like, "yea, sure you can create sham companies in my name, bro!!"

Apparently Pressler's base of operations area is corrupt, with crime passes-a-flowing!

Larrima Davis

Daughter of Larry Davis, who after all the hell dragged through by Reed, Choice, Graves, Pressler, etc., had audacity to contact me via my website and email, to defend her men raping-extorting daddy, and to advise me "her daddy" was assassinated in prison (LOLLLLLL!!!), and that she was suing the Department of Justice because of his assassination. Yea, just like Davis was a "political prisoner" too, huh? And how'd that lawsuit work out, given kidnapping, extortion, prison rape, organized crime via prison, as well as double-dealing each and every person who entered Davis' life, while Davis stayed loyal to Troy Reed and Shams da Baron/Ramone Buford?

Anywhooo, Larrima's original email and correspondence, and my replies, were posted to this site, as well as forwarded to a variety of agencies. She picked the wrong person to approach, especially after seeing their organized grime-crime crew, LIVE and IN PERSON.

But it's not her fault, our current DeBlasio-mayoral administration, with Al Sharpton, in tow believes the same. It's also not her fault, because after Troy Reed received funds via money laundering and extortion, publicity posters were placed throughout NYC's subway system, advertising "Street Stars Presents The Larry Davis Story", while who's-who of rap flocked to the Davis story to help their own street cred, and in turn making Larrima Davis think she's part of "respectable street royalty."

But, apparently I have more street cred than Troy Reed, who went crying like a bitch with Kisha Choice to NYPD's 47th Precinct to "save him from Tamra", the person he just couldn't figure out, but was considered a liability AND scary against his organized grime-crime crew, as in I knew too much about their fraud, because I asked questions, like "if you were set up by cops, how come you're such a vicious person, who preys upon people, including people who thought you were an innocent victim?", "how come Abe Hirschfeld looks so terrified while sitting with Larry Davis, Troy Reed and Jeff Wooten?", "where's Troy Reed's business license/tax ID?", "where's the money to cover your bounced check?", and "how come you're faking not being able to pay child support, while laundering money and drug trafficking?" waiting

It's sad that Larrima can't see that her own father used her as a human shield to save his own life. It's sad that Larry Davis died the way he lived, violently, while being called a hero by many who never met him, never talked to him, and never cared about the persons Larry Davis has harmed since he was a teen. But, my father was a Level 3 sex offender AND career criminal (assault, robbery, etc.). My father was shot 5 times, stabbed and more, AND he was the nightmare of Angola Penitentiary in Louisiana -- all boys had to go through him to be raped, if they didn't have protection. I'm not running around defending him or saying "what a wonderful thug he is." I give regular thanks and praise to former New Orleans District Attorney Harry Connick Sr. for keeping him out of our lives as long as possible, and for knowing what kind of person my father really was.

Patrick Lynaugh

NYPD 1st Precinct, and apparently now transferred to 7th Precinct. Where to start with this one?? Minion boy for Pressler & Pressler, specifically Craig Stiller, "Esquire". But in his defense, he was simply carrying out the orders for another higher-up, "anonymous" NYPD minion boy of Pressler & Pressler, which used a P.O. Box type address (305 Broadway, NYC 10007) to make a variety of false statements of actual physical incidents, which could not have occurred inside a P.O. Box (unless Craig Stiller is "Stuart Little"). And Lynaugh's statements were made on behalf of the long-time white collar organized grime-crime crew and legal money laundering help for a notorious cop shooter's crime crew. Blue Lives Matter, eh? NOPE. #CorruptLivesMatter.

Most disturbing statement of Patrick Lynaugh: my NYC number is linked to a 2002-2003 sealed matter involving Larry Davis' organized grime-crime crew's Kisha Choice. But how can that possibly be when I lived in New Jersey until 2003, and didn't have number he claims is linked until years later. Not to mention, who didn't know about the $2K++ New Jersey phone bill linked to Larry Davis from 2002-2003? The SAME phone bill which brought down Larry Davis' Sullivan Correctional Facility nonsense. Oh wait, Pressler sure was aware of the $2K++ 2002-2003 phone bill, it's one the fake debts Pressler falsified in my name. 😐

And no clue who sealed the 2002 Kisha Choice/47th Precinct matter that I still have no clue about, what happened, the outcome, etc., OR which NYPD member linked my 2004 NYC number to Kisha Choice's 2002-2003 red-herring, while extorting from Abe Hirschfeld and money laundering with Troy Reed. I definitely wouldn't have wanted that matter sealed, as it gives me MEGA "street cred" against organized criminals, extortionists, blackmailers and cop shooter promoters: they're scared of me (and my pen) 😎 while having zero fear of law enforcement.

Shams da Baron a/k/a Shams daBarron (depending upon which day it is) a/k/a "homeless hero" a/k/a Ramone Buford

05/08/21 Just discovered that the aider and abetter of Troy Reed, NYPD cop shooter Larry Davis and other drug traffickers, including his own New York State convicted brother, Raheim Buford/Shabazz, has set himself up as a hero for the homeless. 🤣😂 After I stopped laughing, I feared for the persons on the upper west side of Manhattan. If I was left for dead, with zero regard for my life, I can only imagine what will happen to wealthy persons with access to what Shams and the grime-crime crew want most: MONEY, FAME, and POWER.

But even more disturbing, is the number of politicians who have aligned themselves with Shams, as if he's some sort of hero. Shams would literally stand by and watch you get murdered, if he's not doing the murdering himself, if the outcome benefited him. What Shams would do when no one is looking IS the character and corruption of Shams. Shams would literally stand by and watch a crime, especially if the criminal is not white, and would ensure that the criminal was not reported to law enforcement. Shams believes "the man" is the source of our problems, while I believe "Shams of the world" are the source of our problems ANYWHERE: dog eat dog mentality.

Black Lives Matter, unless it's Tamra's life.

The hustle and grime, especially Shams and notorious criminal Larry Davis, is more valuable than any black life, as confirmed by all those associated with Shams now.

Note the condescending tone, as if I'm unfamiliar with the Larry Davis case, and instant praise from @Ms54Mun (Booker T. Washington Middle School representative) for Larry Davis, as essential to "civil rights." The wrong black man was acquitted. 🙄 Davis acquittal, with money for expensive "lawyering" NOT innocence, validates lack of communication or even attending Community Affairs meetings with law enforcement to better neighborhoods (LESS CRIME/ENFORCEMENT NEEDED). There's zero focus on electing credible, non-corrupt, non-biased leaders, who look out for constituent's financial, educational and mental well-being, instead of using disenfranchised, crime-ridden neighborhoods as a "come up," then leaving a disaster zone in the process. This disaster zone includes electing District Attorneys with bias against law enforcement, because of "something that happened to them as a child", while ignoring allllllllll the crimes in their own neighborhood for the rest of their lives ("Don't Snitch"), which creates high crime, dog-eat-dog AND disenfranchised neighborhoods.

Bronx has highest number of non voters, next up is East New York. Anthony Weiner's lost seat was rezoned because of non-voters. Black voices silenced, but somehow, non-voting, organized criminal Shams, who's been homeless since 2003, because of a life of organized crime, IS their answer. 🤦🏾‍♀️ *COUGH Booker T. Washington COUGH* 😐

And why the continual praise of Larry Davis??? LOOK. 👏🏾 AT. 👏🏾 THE. 👏🏾 BRONX. 👏🏾 NOW, especially South Bronx! 😐 Where's the benefit of praising and acknowledging Davis' case, and the guns/drugs traffickers that Davis remained loyal to, Shams and his brother, Rahiem Buford/Shabazz, included, as "pivotal" to ANY cause TODAY? How's the educational system in South Bronx? How come highest level of LEVEL 2 AND 3 sex offenders are paroled to South Bronx (enter any South Bronx zip to see numbers)? How come gun violence epidemic, through Shams' travel-related iron pipeline, is increasing, hmmm... even more since the return of Shams da Baron??? Why do children have to walk past gun (and MACHETE) violence to and from playing, to and from school, to and from stores? How come major banks and tech companies aren't working with residents of South Bronx to invest in their futures, while money is tossed, like candy, to white venture capitalists, who squander the money, while creating generational wealth for their family and friends???

@Ms54Mun, which is associated with Booker T. Washington's name 😳, ain't got time to answer those questions, they're busy praising the problem (Shams) as the solution! And I betcha person or their family has a Wells Fargo (slavery), CitiBank or Bank of America account, but person's soooo "woke" with Shams and their knowledge of serial prison rapist and extortionist, Larry Davis. 🙄

Yea, lemme guess, suggested by Shams the Scams, for indoctrination of a kinder, gentler nation towards black community-destroying murderers, including Shams and Davis.

Well, after reading that, I guess, I'm more aligned with Booker T. Washington (https://www.tuskegee.edu/discover-tu/tu-presidents/booker-t-washington), than Booker T. Washington Middle School @MS54Mun's representative, who chooses to stand with worst of society, while promoting that person as a hero.

Meanwhile, Larry Davis' weapons possession and murder convictions (two counts each) swept under rug, by persons indoctrinated by career hustler Shams. Note the immediate, "Davis was acquitted," while ignoring his murder convictions and life of crime WITH Shams.

http://nysdoccslookup.doccs.ny.gov/ - where Shams da Baron's violent convict brother is also listed! Gawd help our community. 😳 A murderous, extortion thug is the answer for black youth!


Stay up, Upper West Side! See what I did there? 😉 But seriously, you are now in for the fight of your lives, as you're dealing with law-breaking professionals, who know how to manipulate the law to get what they want, at your expense, while creating red herrings for other criminal activity: robberies, extortion, shakedowns, etc. I can only imagine the persons harmed and how, or the products that will be moved into your areas. Same products that destroyed communities and kept all unsafe, creating a war zone.

Who's protecting citizens or consumers from fraud? Certainly not many civic leaders in the NYC area, while law enforcement is scrambling daily, doing the best they can, with resources allowed or denied.

| alexis lex reed | bronx | chase reed | cop shooter | crack cocaine | cy vance jr | daniel evans univision | derrick barnes | harlem | larry davis | los angeles | michael gordon nyc | mike gordon | nyc | nypd | organized crime | pressler and pressler | rico crimes | shams dabaron | sneaker pawn | sneaker hustle | son of sam law violations | street stars presents | troy reed |

🔗 Blue, Black or Corrupt Lives Matter??


Commenter: Tamra
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 19, 2017 11:37pm EST/NYC

In a normal world, Pussy Grabber would be an attorney general or prosecutor's dream defendant, a goal to go after. Now AGs, law enforcement and prosecutors stand behind, with and for this https://twitter.com/Rosie/status/833046244649938944
Thus, #CorruptLivesMatter!!

Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Apr 9, 2022 3:34pm EST/NYC

oh gawd, organized #crime supporter Chloe Hilliard is a producer for Black Lady Sketch Comedy. CRIME DOES PAY!

Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 3, 2023 8:18pm EST/NYC

Six Degrees of Public Corruption

"bling bishop" con artist decides he's smarter than FBI. this won't end pretty for the crown prince of identity theft. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-york-elections-government/ny-mayor-adams-pal-lamor-whitehead-refusing-passwords-electronic-devices-20230203-tjq2pv5lozdq3g37y4smmnz4iu-story.html

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 15, 2023 10:51pm EST/NYC

Matt Gaetz gets a crime pass... again.

But what was the pardon request for, the insurrection or f*cking teen girls? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/doj-charge-gaetz-sex-trafficking-probe-lawyer-minor/story?id=97225306

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 22, 2023 11:59am EST/NYC

Corrupt lives matter...
ID Theft, Fraud, Prison: The Wild Life of a Bishop Robbed at the Pulpit — https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/04/nyregion/lamor-whitehead-bishop-robbed.html

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: May 10, 2023 3:56pm EST/NYC

Corrupt Lives Matter!

George Santos (NY03) finally arrested, but he still gets to keep his $175,000++/year job, and gets to dictate future for constituents of NY-03. Unreal! https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/george-santos-full-indictment-document-pdf-rcna83734

Even if convicted, if there's another GOP POTUS, that person will pardon corrupt George Santos!

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Jul 9, 2023 5:50am EST/NYC

Is Bling Bishop talking, to save himself, or just a coincidence? Who would have known about this, given campaign finance corruption in general, Citizens United included.


Even more shocking: prosecuted by Alvin Bragg.

"We would never tolerate these actions," the spokesperson said, adding "there is no indication that the campaign or the mayor is involved in this case or under investigation."

However, according to court papers, the mayor was aware of at least one of the fundraisers the contracted employees threw.

"(The Candidate) said he doesn't want to do anything if he doesn't get 25 Gs," one told another, according to the criminal complaint.

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Jul 2, 2023 10:11pm EST/NYC

bad joke time...

Help me understand how you rob, exploit, dehumanize and attack your own, to sit with persons who "zoned" you out in the first place?


Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: www.tamra.nyc/shams-da-baron-is-no-hero/
Comment Date: Jun 7, 2024 9:34pm EST/NYC

Crime Does Pay Well For Shams


From a fake "homeless hero" stunt, to robbing taxpayers, right in their faces, no more breaking into stripper's apartments for either. Their cop-shooter mentors are so proud of them both. Sad day and era for NYC, though.

#TaxCutsAndJobsAct #6thAmendment #civilrights #LEUnions #NYPD #Bronx #crime #JumaaneWilliamsNeglect #publicsafety #economy #bodegas #racism #discrimination #GunSafetyNow #gunsense #guncontrolnow #ironpipeline #guncontrol #crimestoppers #LyinLeeZeldin

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Jul 23, 2024 11:34pm EST/NYC

If I was a litigation attorney, this is where I would rest my case, and wait for the "I Have Proven That Corrupt Lives Matter Most" judgement IN MY FAVOR.

A J6 insurrectionist, responsible for, and delighted by, law enforcement officers assaulted, brutally, on January 6, 2021 to uphold his "The Big Lie", is the GOP candidate, and was made the official candidate days ago. Law enforcement officers (police, fire, etc.) were at his Pennsylvania rally AND GOP POTUS nomination, AFTER

  • J6, The Big Lie, Stop The Steal dangerous, anti-public safety crimes;
  • serial adultery with a non-white love child, and criminal hush money case with a 34-count FELONY conviction;
  • business fraud/Ponzi schemes;
  • serial tax fraud;
  • a fake university (which anyone else would just be exiting prison for, instead of being nominated as the 2016 or 2024 GOP POTUS candidate!);
  • accused AND convicted of rape (Jeffrey Epstein and E Jean Carroll);
  • convicted of lying about raping, after bragging about "grab 'em by the pssy" (E Jean Carroll), and busted by fact-checkers for lying 24/7;
  • stole from his last employer on his way out, and is now getting help from Aileen Cannon, who is acting as his personal attorney — so much for "justice system" and "law and order candidate";
  • white supremacy (and NEVER, ever allowing a black person to be CFO or CEO for any of his companies, fake or not), plus this, which every black male for the bad grades guy, will stumble over themselves to dismiss as not true, yet Mr. Lawsuit-Happy Bad Grades Guy never sued the author:
    what bad grades trump says about persons he calls "the blacks";
  • "birthering" (see white supremacy above... wait, has anyone checked on Orly Taitz? How is she holding up after tossing her career into the garbage for a guy who cannot even show his own K12 and/or college school grades);
  • Jeffrey Epstein and the bad grades guy's own CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING and RAPE — we know that law enforcement has immediate access to sealed court documents, no matter which state, esp. as cops share info publicly, not previously disclosed nor accessible to public;
  • Charlottesville;
  • upside-down bible photo op during a heartbreaking period for many — children actually saw a video of a man being killed, for "smug Bob Kroll fun", a video, played over and over, and accessible anywhere online, triggering outrage at the blatant 6th and 14th Amendment violations;
  • hosting Wayne LaPierre on the anniversary of Sandy Hook (F them kids, which the bad grades guy also did literally — See Jeffrey Epstein above);
  • fake bankruptcies, while living off "other people"s money," which is exactly what the bad grades guy is doing via the RNC/GOP. (GOP is about to be fast-tracked for billions in spending for the bad grades guy and his entire family, as the bad-grades-trump brand is toxic);
  • condemning innocent black boys playing in a park (see white supremacy above), and running a full-page newspaper condemnation ad with "other people's money", all while the actual rapist roamed freely, leaving his DNA at various other NYC crime scenes, with blessings from Linda Fairstein, the bad grades guy's actual friend; and
  • the reason why the bad grades guy was sent to military school, as a child, and still comes out of military school with, "stealing from my family, to pay my personal fraud bills, is okay" and "grab 'em by the pssy" pride.

All of the above are what law enforcement members are standing with and for, especially after honorable and Boy and Eagle Scout officers were assaulted for doing their jobs, THEN called the problem for speaking out about being assaulted.

Case rested!

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Sep 25, 2024 3:15pm EST/NYC

FINALLY! But it only took 20-years to bring this low-life, corrupt, pro-cop shooting MF down!

But this ridiculous speech outside of the hijacked Gracie Mansion, should definitely be re-enacted by South Park, because it is comical, ridiculous, scary, and over the top. And the Hazel Dukes woman. 92-years of turning away from persons getting harmed by Adams, Shams, Larry Davis and the like.

Eric Adams indictment unsealed: NYC mayor accused of accepting improper campaign contributions

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is accused of taking bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign sources

NEW YORK (WABC) -- A 57-page five-count federal indictment unsealed on Thursday morning has charged Mayor Eric Adams with bribery, wire fraud and accepting improper campaign contributions.

Adams is specifically charged with bribery, solicitation of illegal foreign campaign contributions, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud -- charges that expose the mayor to significant prison time if convicted.

Among other things, prosecutors allege that Adams received free and steeply discounted flight upgrades valued at more than $100,000, as well as campaign contributions from straw donors, some of which helped him qualify for more than $10 million in matching public campaign funds.

"Mayor Adams took these contributions knowing they were illegal and aimed at buying influence," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams stated. According to the indictment, the mayor received first-class flights and stays in opulent hotels while failing to disclose the gifts, as required by law. "Year after year, he kept the public in the dark, claiming he received no gifts," Williams added.


Notice, in decades, ZERO sympathy from Adams or his supporters for NYPD Rookie Police Officer Edward Byrne, simply doing his job, protecting an elderly black woman, who was tired of the drugs and crimes infesting her neighborhood. That speaks volumes. Adams proudly stands with the killers of Edward Byrne — yup, that is him in the documentary, praising the murderers of Officer Byrne, same as his praise for Shams DaBaron a/k/a Ramone Buford Sr., the roommate, supporter and champion of Larry Davis, whom Adams placed into his "mayoral"cabinet, under the fake guise of homelessness.

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE...

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