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Oct 27, 2014 10:46am EST/NYC
ann coulter / badgradestrump / Be Best / Breitbart / CCLC / eduardo cruz / Govt-Funded / Hannity / Limbaugh / Michelle Malkin / NRA / private-funds / Sarah Palin / Scott Walker-WI /
The Hatriots of Sons of Confederate Vets/kkk-Strom Thurmond
Notice all the Limbaugh, Palin, etc. "talking points" below. More important, and a key fact all overlooked: how convo began: https://twitter.com/mimimayesTN/status/523087407634452480
I simply posted a news alert, and along comes "@mimimayesTN", a registered nurse , to school me.
And check out her scary palshttps://twitter.com/Annonoamaeusly/with_replieshttps://twitter.com/mimimayesTN/status/523087407634452480
CDC cannot rule out #Ebola with cursory examination of dead Nigerian. If you believe that, rethink @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
LOL Scram, bitch @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
LOL I am an RN, & I am smart enough to ignore a useful idiot like you. Get lost @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@mimimayesTN @ilovemytroops There they go. Mention prudence and facts and they come out swinging with the "GOP defunded this and that!"
— jeff ramsower (@jefframsower) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @gop @cdcgov @mimimayestn Perhaps if the NIh and CDC didn't piss money away on fat lesbian studies they'd have found a cure.
— Quik J Hit (@QuikHit) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @mimimayesTN actually incorrect WH budget had cuts to CDC in FY 2013 and 2014.. Congress added $700M and $6.9B respectively.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
Besides, FAT lesbians are perfectly OK with being FAT. Why study? @QuikHit @ilovemytroops @GOP @CDCgov
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
do not confuse useful idiots with facts @Olmanswamp @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@Olmanswamp @mimimayesTN @ilovemytroops Next comes the snarky "the koch bros. are involved" bit...Wait for it....
— jeff ramsower (@jefframsower) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @Olmanswamp @mimimayesTN Nope, just enjoying the comedy routine. You've had 6 years to perfect it! *eats popcorn.
— jeff ramsower (@jefframsower) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops I was merely putting forth proof the CDC budget increased last 2 FY vs the claim it was cut.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
https://twitter.com/Annonoamaeusly retweeted to join in but right away, go to their profile and see @PatDollard — see bomb threat post link at top right or Adam S. Baldwin post for his "gems"
@BitchHolder @PatDollard - tell him to hold his phone next to his head- we wanna see how that stops a bullit
— Survive (@Annonoamaeusly) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @mimimayesTN @jefframsower Uh no...was merely informing that the claim of declining budget was incorrect....
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
But no matter what you present ppl like @ilovemytroops, they choose to remain in denial @Olmanswamp @jefframsower
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @gop @cdcgov @mimimayestn Do you change the subject often when You are caught talking shit?
— Quik J Hit (@QuikHit) October 17, 2014
LOLOL @QuikHit @ilovemytroops @GOP @CDCgov
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @mimimayesTN @jefframsower I did not read that...I was looking at budget decline claim...
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
"@QuikHit: @ilovemytroops @gop @cdcgov @mimimayestn Do you change the subject often when You are caught talking shit?"TheIgnorantDo.
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
Hey @Olmanswamp You are being way too polite to @ilovemytroops do not waste your time @jefframsower
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@mimimayesTN @ilovemytroops @jefframsower I try to be polite....
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
LOL I am glad you are. I can't do it @Olmanswamp @ilovemytroops @jefframsower
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
>>>@ilovemytroops<<< The type who could watch Obama on live TV eating a puppy, & she's say "Good day for cats"
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops Irony? As I stated previously...was discussing the misconception of CDC budget cuts....or trying to. Did not see the origin.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @gop @cdcgov @mimimayestn I do understand that there are people who can't stay on topic. I didn't suspect you'd flake so soon
— Quik J Hit (@QuikHit) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops at home taking care of my sick kid.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops .... Cant do much for him while he is sleeping. Ill let you go. Have a good one.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @QuikHit @GOP @CDCgov @mimimayesTN So the point You are making is that you R Anti: Christian, Conservative and Libertarian.
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
Ebola denier --> @ilovemytroops Even if she catches it, she'll defend #PresidentObola till her last dying breath. That's loyalty/IDIOCY LOL
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
Go picket for late term abortion @ilovemytroops @BarackObama
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @QuikHit @GOP @CDCgov @mimimayesTN With Libs, it is all about "feelings" never mind the consequences of their programs.
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
Run on out to #JFK & help them clean that plane @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops i have not been rude to you but you persist with sarcasm toward me. I was trying to correct a misconception about CDC.
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops Gee thanks. I feel empowered
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
Hey guys: When you see the word "empowered", RUN. Dealing with a #FuglyFeminist LOL @ilovemytroops @spanishmax58 @QuikHit @GOP @CDCgov
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@mimimayesTN @ilovemytroops @QuikHit @GOP @CDCgov You nailed it! Said that men control her vagina, pay scale, job title, etc.
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @Olmanswamp @mimimayesTN @jefframsower -Shaming the person who showed you facts? Wow. A simple Thank you was in order there.
— DeAnn Bradford (@DeAnn_1) October 17, 2014
"Empowered" is only used by women who hate men. Hatred comes from being IGNORED by men. Voila! FUGLY @spanishmax58 @ilovemytroops @QuikHit
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops see now you go to insults demeaning your position in any discussion. He just turned 18 in Sept. FL law dictates later entry..
— Ol'manswamp (@Olmanswamp) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops -So U don' t find anything wrong w\that reply? #accusatory? #condescending? (not my pt. though) #knockthatchipoffyourshoulder
— DeAnn Bradford (@DeAnn_1) October 17, 2014
Bingo @AugustusBeau @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
@mimimayesTN You always wonder WTF when the likes of Bernie Sanders or mayor de Blasio gets elected. People like @ilovemytroops.
— L. C. Watson (@AugustusBeau) October 17, 2014
IT IS A KNOWN FACT: I cannot stand Bill DeBlasio, refused to vote for him, and literally had no mayoral candidate to vote for. AND everything I have predicted about him and his entire ignore-day-to-day-crime administration is coming true, INCLUDING the return of crime, IN the same areas he and Sharpton represent.
@ilovemytroops Your profile tells the story of what you are all about, light on facts, reason, mental cap. Tweet your #occupywallstreet buds
— L. C. Watson (@AugustusBeau) October 17, 2014
Once again, the assumption I wanted to debate. 🙄 I simply DID NOT have the right to post a news alert (NOT ONE THAT I CREATED, BUT SIMPLY REPOSTED) before the Nazi-type trolling began.
Sweets, do not debate me. You do not have the IQ points. @ilovemytroops @mimimayesTN https://t.co/DiVKCNJtG7
— L. C. Watson (@AugustusBeau) October 17, 2014
LOL Trust me. You do not want to be anywhere near that thing @spanishmax58 @QuikHit @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
LOL @AugustusBeau @ilovemytroops
— Mimi Mayes (@mimimayesTN) October 17, 2014
"@mimimayesTN: LOL Trust me. You do not want to be anywhere near that thing @spanishmax58 @QuikHit @ilovemytroops" Great advice!
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
@ilovemytroops @GOP @AugustusBeau @spanishmax58 @QuikHit @mimimayesTN @Reince -@ilovemytroops >Another victim of liberalism. #BlameGame
— DeAnn Bradford (@DeAnn_1) October 17, 2014
@DeAnn_1 @ilovemytroops @GOP @AugustusBeau @QuikHit @mimimayesTN @Reince Not a victim. She is Empowered 2 B a Useful Idiot.
— Dan (@spanishmax58) October 17, 2014
@spanishmax58 @ilovemytroops @GOP @AugustusBeau @QuikHit @mimimayesTN -If Tamra can't take the heat she should stay outta the kitchen#victim
— DeAnn Bradford (@DeAnn_1) October 17, 2014
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