Fake conservatives, fake christians, internalized racists, neo-nazis, kkk, and more.
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Demonstration of a #tcot Christian Conservative Mob
Apr 14, 2012 12:42am
An example of a GOP christian conservative lynch mob, this one led by South Carolina's Todd Kincannon, who also has no problems beating his wife.
More 2012 Election Year Gifts
Apr 15, 2012 1:30am
More of the conservative christian lynch mob. Christ would be be proud. NOT!
Let The Official Hatriot Games Begin!
Apr 12, 2012 10:34pm
Recently, Iraq war terrorist, Allen West, stated there are at least 80 communists, Marxists and socialists in the Democratic party.
Betsey Dewey wants to lead, while praising bomb threaters and their supporters
May 31, 2012 2:30am
Betsey Dewey wants to lead, while praising bomb threaters and their supporters. She is super comfortable with white supremacy.
Repulsed by...
Apr 24, 2012 3:45pm
Repulsed by…hatriots, fake Constitutionalists, and fake Christians who claim to love/follow Christ but their every word is that of…
Meet @velvethammer, a #tcot inferior intellect authoritarian and leader
May 29, 2012 6:55am
It should be noted that @velvethammer DIRECTLY associates with ALL persons related to a bomb threat I received.
Meet @PunchyMcgregor and @LuvlyLadyTrump
Jul 1, 2016 3:40pm
@PunchyMcgregor and @LuvlyLadyTrump roam twitter to berate others on behalf of badgradestrump-Donald Trump. They are so proud of badgradestrump, they prefer to stay anonymous.
Today's Strom Thurmond GOP
Nov 1, 2008 3:45pm
Meet the GOP persons who want all to follow their lead, their commands, while selectively choosing which laws and parts of the Constitution to follow.
Bomb threat and Breitbart crew member Adam S. Baldwin
Aug 11, 2011 3:27am
Meet bomb threat and Breitbart crew member, Adam S. Baldwin. yes, all you (wow, forgot name of show already) fans!
Council of Conservative Citizens, kkk and GOP
Jun 23, 2015 7:14pm
All roads lead to Strom Thurmond's kkk, white nationalism and ultra extremism!
NRA Pop Quiz
Oct 30, 2015 8:10pm
NRA Prostitutes can not wait to open their mouths for their Big Daddy, Wayne LaPierre. However, when it comes to NRA's history, both NRA Prostitutes AND NRA are silent!
NRA Prostitutes and NRA Pop Quiz
Oct 12, 2015 4:00pm
NRA members and staff footdance around facts regarding the nation's oldest white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.
NRA Prostitutes — Part Deux
Oct 26, 2015 10:06pm
NRA Prostitutes... continued. Rabid gun nuts for their NRA big daddy, whom they gladly fund, while sitting around with expensive toys waiting for the enemy, defined by wealthy NRA.
NRA Prostitutes AND Terrorism In Action
May 24, 2016 9:37pm
They are brave warriors, ready for war online. But offline, they are TOTAL cowards living in self-created fear 24/7.
Meet A Faithful Rush Limbaughot (Lim-bot)
May 22, 2012 10:44pm
This Limbot stopped by, unsolicited, to champion for child predator, George Zimmerman.
Meet Gary P. Jackson, a "contributor" for Sarah Palin-supported sites
May 16, 2012 8:08pm
On various sites, including Twitter, Gary P. Jackson is promoting a story with the title "Liberal, Black Female…"
Now it is clear why Mitt Romney was so comfortable with bullying
May 11, 2012 9:45pm
Conservative christians are flooding Twitter, Facebook and message boards with a doctored story about President Obama bullying to counter AND excuse Mitt Romney's bullying of a gay student.
Steven J Burns, another lemming poster child of #tcot
Oct 6, 2012 12:17am
Meet Steven J. Burns, a former military pilot, who cannot wait to attack women, and is part of the rape culture in our government funded military.
Kesha Rogers-TX running for congress with bomb threaters in tow!
Oct 25, 2012 1:23pm
Kesha Rogers (Texas) running for congress with bomb threaters in tow, and not a care in the world.
meet @Imaumbn, a CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN who is pro-Israel bombing
Nov 15, 2012 5:05pm
Michelle Malkin incites bombing of children for land grabs from Israel, and has a cheering squad for it.
What conservative military members think of Democrats
Nov 21, 2012 11:12am
Posted by a #military #tcot member AND distributed through OFFICIAL military organization, which makes our military look ABSOLUTELY appalling
Conservatives and Christians JOKE proudly about rape
Feb 19, 2013 3:06am
Not only do they joke about rape, but they also PROUDLY defend their comments with such priceless gems such as...
GOP rebranding… um good luck with that!
Feb 14, 2013 11:35am
'Memba when @gopleader talked about rebranding his party? Well, good luck with that given the members of his party.
Ex-Georgia GOP chair's aide sues party after allegedly being called a "house n*gger"
Jul 10, 2014 8:44pm
Today's kkk-to-GOP: Ex-Georgia GOP chair's aide sues party after allegedly being called a "house n*gger".
Meet Libertarian @DJSPINtel, who thinks all blacks should be killed, and professed this on "Constitution Day".
Sep 17, 2014 12:23pm
Meet Libertarian @DJSPINtel who thinks all black people should be killed.
WOW, today's GOP!
Oct 27, 2014 10:46am
Wow! Today's GOP. Quite a scary bunch of armed, enraged and culturally ignorant nuts.
Meet GOP christian Pete Stuffings a/k/a jdennis115
Apr 19, 2015 8:21pm
Meet christian Pete Stuffings a/k/a jdennis115, who defines GOP's twisted version christianity.
Chuck H, retired military and self-proclaimed Constitutionalist
Apr 23, 2015 5:27pm
Another GOP conservative and christian who hates, hates and hates! Meet Chuck H, retired military and self-proclaimed Constitutionalist.
Apparently, all "the blacks" should adhere to the doctrine of Larry Elder.
Apr 26, 2015 7:37am
Per GOP members, all black people should be like internalized racist, Larry Elder.
Why I Laugh Each Time A GOP Hijacker-Conservative-Christian Calls Me A Liberal
Jun 11, 2010 6:01pm
Liberal? I will take it! But this is why I am unbothered by hatriots, and literally laugh each time I am called a liberal.
The Deranged Mind of Trump Supporters: @TheRestChurch
Aug 30, 2016 12:10pm
The Deranged Mind of Trump Supporters: @TheRestChurch, which believes that badgradestrump has uplifted black communities. LOLLLLLLL
The Mind of Trump Staffers: Kelly Anne Conway
Aug 31, 2016 11:13am
The Deranged Lying Mind of Trump Staffers: Kelly Anne Conway
George Soros, Robert Byrd yaddi, yaddi, yaddi
Sep 10, 2016 6:19pm
You can always tell how dumb GOP members are when they resort to George Soros, Robert Byrd rhetoric that even they do not understand.
badgradestrump salutes white supremacist, slaver, and rapist Andrew Jackson
Mar 16, 2017 1:35pm
Racist jackass, pussy grabber, badgradestrump salutes racist, rapist, slaver, jackass Andrew Jackson, whom badgradestrump compares himself to most.
Meet @strmsptr, the voice for badgradestrump/#MAGA
Aug 15, 2017 4:00pm
Meet @strmsptr who wants all to obey his #MAGA bigotry and nonsense.
WTF happened to you, man?! You used to be beautiful!!
Dec 27, 2013 1:59pm
WTF happened to once-progressive GOP? The party is now full-blown Strom Thurmond dixiecrat: domestic terrorists, fear mongers, white supremacists, and inferior intellects with pride.
Replacement Theory, huh?
May 17, 2022 12:58am
Fuck you and your replacement theory bullshit. The End.
confederates are not heroes nor brave men, but the worst of ANY society! Period.
Jun 26, 2015 12:25pm
Cretin domestic terrorist-confederates should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended. They've provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder.
Our New USA, established by NRA with help from Congress
Jul 25, 2016 11:32am
Mass shootings are us!
White, Christian-identity, Jim Crow Benefactors, and NRA
Dec 24, 2014 7:54pm
Armed savages, who believe they are servants of God, or the moral standard.
Black Persons Today's Strom Thurmond-GOP Will Only Tolerate, and Why
May 27, 2015 7:43pm
Blacks today's @GOP defines as the ONLY type of "the blacks" they will embrace and accept, temporarily.
Video NRA, Dana Loesch and anti-gunsense lawn jockeys do not want the public to see.
Oct 24, 2017 7:23pm
The open video #NRA, Dana Loesch and their anti-#gunsense lawn jockeys do not want the public to see because it contradicts their "open carry"-we stand for gun rights narrative.
Clearly GOP's hands are tied when it comes to the NRA!
Oct 5, 2017 10:49pm
Why GOP's hands are tied when it comes to the NRA!
Finally Robert Mueller indictments, and Michael Moore schools hatriot Trump!
Oct 30, 2017 1:40am
Mueller indictments against #TrumpRussia. Oh, I cannot wait!!
James Comey!!
Dec 10, 2017 7:52pm
There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for James Comey's words. He is a reminder that good still exists to counter pure evil and 100% fraud!
Coonye or Con-ye a/k/a Kanye West
May 4, 2018 2:01pm
Coonye or Con-ye a/k/a Kanye West and his bromance with Donald John Trump and other Jim Crow benefactors. You know you have hit rock bottom when white supremacists inspire you.
Fan (Stan) Mail Time! This one is from Marc Cohen.
Nov 22, 2018 1:42am
FAN MAIL TIME! this one is from Marc Cohen, an obsessive stalker.
Once again, The Democrats need to use GOP's actual words for sweeping gun control reform
May 26, 2022 8:43pm
Hold GOP to their words! Legislate a bill requiring mental health evaluations prior to gun ownership. Watch how quickly GOP pivots to another excuse, confirming, they are not about safety, but simply rhetoric for NRA lobbyists money.
Hatriots dun lost what little minds they had!
Oct 29, 2022 10:22pm
Hold on, we've seen this story before. The ending will be the same, again and again, especially as hatriots are more outnumbered by all those who revolved around confederates!
The "media" versus Kevin McCarthy, and all of GOP's red-herring complaints about "spending" and "entitlements"
Jan 31, 2023 11:45pm
Certain "media" members parrot Kevin McCarthy, and all of GOP's complaints about "spending" and "entitlements", while overlooking revenue-losing and unconstitutional wealthy tax cuts.
Biden vs. Palin VP debate
Sep 27, 2008 4:29pm
Wouldn't this be a better option for the VP Debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden (2008)?
Just. Wow. The Insurrectionist Elect. 😲
Nov 9, 2024 2:04pm
GOP has chosen an insurrectionist, serial adulterer with love child, convicted felon, child rapist, classified documents stealing, white supremacist birther, with extremely bad grades, and a First Strumpet wife, to represent them, again.
GOP vs. Your Uterus
Oct 21, 2014 9:17pm
Register your uterus for monitoring, or incorporate it for some GOP cash!
That's all, just 53 items found.
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