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Larry Davis Is Dead
Jun 1, 2014 1:16am
Bronx False hero and organized criminal Larry Davis is dead, and his urban legend will live on through his grifters and opportunists.
The Failure of Urban Black Leaders, Law Enforcement Leaders, and Inner City Nightmares
Jun 3, 2014 2:54am
A community is only as good as its leadership.
Shams DaBaron (@homeless_hero aka Ramone Buford) is NO hero, let alone a homeless hero
Jul 23, 2021 6:30pm
Shams DaBaron a/k/a Barron is NO hero, let alone a homeless hero. Shams as a homeless advocate for homeless is like kkk as an advocate for #BlackLivesMatter.
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.
Black Lives Matter, Unless it is My Life!
Jan 17, 2022 9:07am
Black Lives Matter, UNLESS it is Tamra's life, which does not matter to Rockefellers/Venrock or a blacklivesmatter activist who robbed me.
The BET Larry Davis Bronx Tale Documentary
Dec 8, 2008 5:33pm
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan
Help me understand...
Jul 3, 2023 6:02pm
Help me understand how you're a victim while robbing and cheating honest folks daily?
Larry Davis killed in prison yesterday. did I not just mention this guy?
Feb 21, 2008 7:15am
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan
Okay, the Pope is in the hizzouse!
Apr 15, 2008 4:48pm
Alright, err-body lissen up... are we gonna have a problem here??!!
Just. Wow. The Insurrectionist Elect. 😲
Nov 9, 2024 2:04pm
GOP has chosen an insurrectionist, serial adulterer with love child, convicted felon, child rapist, classified documents stealing, white supremacist birther, with extremely bad grades, and a First Strumpet wife, to represent them, again.
About Tamra... and this site
Feb 9, 2025 9:47pm
About This Site and Tamra
Blue, Black or Corrupt Lives Matter?? It's clear #CorruptLivesMatter more!
Jul 10, 2015 8:27pm
Crime does pay, and well. Just ask your local white collar and organized crime frauds and the public officials who aid and abet them.
The Failure of Urban Black Leaders, Law Enforcement Leaders, and Inner City Nightmares
Jun 3, 2014 2:54am
A community is only as good as its leadership.
Pulp at
Feb 9, 2025 9:47pm
True stories, autobio excerpts, t-shirts and more.
Larry Davis Story - A Routine Typical Hustle
Apr 16, 2004 2:05am
The real story about Bronx NY cop shooter and drug dealer Larry Davis, the story you should be told, instead of the fake, for-profit, story being hustled by a fellow drug dealer and extortionist of Larry Davis, Troy Reed. View product info for more details.
Sam Kiva Finkelstein, DRAX Realty Corp
Jun 4, 2014 2:05am
A community is only as good as its leadership, and the leadership in this community is failing. Crime, drugs and gun trafficking, housing and real estate fraud, immigration scams, and education neglect.
What In The World Happened?
Jun 4, 2004 9:52am
After decades of mass poverty, lawmakers representing poorest regions, are wealthiest persons in US.
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.
Commenter: Tamra Cronin
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Comment Date: Apr 9, 2022 3:34pm EST/NYC
Commenter: Tamra Cronin
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Comment Date: Feb 3, 2023 8:18pm EST/NYC
Six Degrees of Public Corruption
"bling bishop" con artist decides he's smarter than FBI. this won't end pretty for the crown prince of identity theft.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Feb 15, 2023 10:51pm EST/NYC
Matt Gaetz gets a crime pass... again.
But what was the pardon request for, the insurrection or f*cking teen girls?
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Feb 22, 2023 11:59am EST/NYC
ID Theft, Fraud, Prison: The Wild Life of a Bishop Robbed at the Pulpit —
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: May 10, 2023 3:56pm EST/NYC
Corrupt Lives Matter!
George Santos (NY03) finally arrested, but he still gets to keep his $175,000++/year job, and gets to dictate future for constituents of NY-03. Unreal!
Even if convicted, if there's another GOP POTUS, that person will pardon corrupt George Santos!
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Jul 9, 2023 5:50am EST/NYC
Is Bling Bishop talking, to save himself, or just a coincidence? Who would have known about this, given campaign finance corruption in general, Citizens United included. more shocking: prosecuted by Alvin Bragg.
"We would never tolerate these actions," the spokesperson said, adding "there is no indication that the campaign or the mayor is involved in this case or under investigation."
However, according to court papers, the mayor was aware of at least one of the fundraisers the contracted employees threw.
"(The Candidate) said he doesn't want to do anything if he doesn't get 25 Gs," one told another, according to the criminal complaint.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Jul 2, 2023 10:11pm EST/NYC
Help me understand how you rob, exploit, dehumanize and attack your own, to sit with persons who "zoned" you out in the first place?
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Jun 7, 2024 9:34pm EST/NYC
Crime Does Pay Well For Shams
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Jul 23, 2024 11:34pm EST/NYC
If I was a litigation attorney, this is where I would rest my case, and wait for the "I Have Proven That Corrupt Lives Matter Most" judgement IN MY FAVOR.
A J6 insurrectionist, responsible for, and delighted by, law enforcement officers assaulted, brutally, on January 6, 2021 to uphold his "The Big Lie", is the GOP candidate, and was made the official candidate days ago. Law enforcement officers (police, fire, etc.) were at his Pennsylvania rally AND GOP POTUS nomination, AFTER
- J6, The Big Lie, Stop The Steal dangerous, anti-public safety crimes;
- serial adultery with a non-white love child, and criminal hush money case with a 34-count FELONY conviction;
- business fraud/Ponzi schemes;
- serial tax fraud;
- a fake university (which anyone else would just be exiting prison for, instead of being nominated as the 2016 or 2024 GOP POTUS candidate!);
- accused AND convicted of rape (Jeffrey Epstein and E Jean Carroll);
- convicted of lying about raping, after bragging about "grab 'em by the pssy" (E Jean Carroll), and busted by fact-checkers for lying 24/7;
- stole from his last employer on his way out, and is now getting help from Aileen Cannon, who is acting as his personal attorney — so much for "justice system" and "law and order candidate";
- white supremacy (and NEVER, ever allowing a black person to be CFO or CEO for any of his companies, fake or not), plus this, which every black male for the bad grades guy, will stumble over themselves to dismiss as not true, yet Mr. Lawsuit-Happy Bad Grades Guy never sued the author:
- "birthering" (see white supremacy above... wait, has anyone checked on Orly Taitz? How is she holding up after tossing her career into the garbage for a guy who cannot even show his own K12 and/or college school grades);
- Jeffrey Epstein and the bad grades guy's own CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING and RAPE — we know that law enforcement has immediate access to sealed court documents, no matter which state, esp. as cops share info publicly, not previously disclosed nor accessible to public;
- Charlottesville;
- upside-down bible photo op during a heartbreaking period for many — children actually saw a video of a man being killed, for "smug Bob Kroll fun", a video, played over and over, and accessible anywhere online, triggering outrage at the blatant 6th and 14th Amendment violations;
- hosting Wayne LaPierre on the anniversary of Sandy Hook (F them kids, which the bad grades guy also did literally — See Jeffrey Epstein above);
- fake bankruptcies, while living off "other people"s money," which is exactly what the bad grades guy is doing via the RNC/GOP. (GOP is about to be fast-tracked for billions in spending for the bad grades guy and his entire family, as the bad-grades-trump brand is toxic);
- condemning innocent black boys playing in a park (see white supremacy above), and running a full-page newspaper condemnation ad with "other people's money", all while the actual rapist roamed freely, leaving his DNA at various other NYC crime scenes, with blessings from Linda Fairstein, the bad grades guy's actual friend; and
- the reason why the bad grades guy was sent to military school, as a child, and still comes out of military school with, "stealing from my family, to pay my personal fraud bills, is okay" and "grab 'em by the pssy" pride.
All of the above are what law enforcement members are standing with and for, especially after honorable and Boy and Eagle Scout officers were assaulted for doing their jobs, THEN called the problem for speaking out about being assaulted.
Case rested!
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Sep 25, 2024 3:15pm EST/NYC
FINALLY! But it only took 20-years to bring this low-life, corrupt, pro-cop shooting MF down!
But this ridiculous speech outside of the hijacked Gracie Mansion, should definitely be re-enacted by South Park, because it is comical, ridiculous, scary, and over the top. And the Hazel Dukes woman. 92-years of turning away from persons getting harmed by Adams, Shams, Larry Davis and the like.
Eric Adams indictment unsealed: NYC mayor accused of accepting improper campaign contributions
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is accused of taking bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign sources
NEW YORK (WABC) -- A 57-page five-count federal indictment unsealed on Thursday morning has charged Mayor Eric Adams with bribery, wire fraud and accepting improper campaign contributions.
Adams is specifically charged with bribery, solicitation of illegal foreign campaign contributions, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud -- charges that expose the mayor to significant prison time if convicted.
Among other things, prosecutors allege that Adams received free and steeply discounted flight upgrades valued at more than $100,000, as well as campaign contributions from straw donors, some of which helped him qualify for more than $10 million in matching public campaign funds.
"Mayor Adams took these contributions knowing they were illegal and aimed at buying influence," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams stated. According to the indictment, the mayor received first-class flights and stays in opulent hotels while failing to disclose the gifts, as required by law. "Year after year, he kept the public in the dark, claiming he received no gifts," Williams added.
Notice, in decades, ZERO sympathy from Adams or his supporters for NYPD Rookie Police Officer Edward Byrne, simply doing his job, protecting an elderly black woman, who was tired of the drugs and crimes infesting her neighborhood. That speaks volumes. Adams proudly stands with the killers of Edward Byrne — yup, that is him in the documentary, praising the murderers of Officer Byrne, same as his praise for Shams DaBaron a/k/a Ramone Buford Sr., the roommate, supporter and champion of Larry Davis, whom Adams placed into his "mayoral"cabinet, under the fake guise of homelessness.
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Feb 20, 2022 4:08pm EST/NYC
Today is the day that degenerate, murderer, strong-arm robber, crack cocaine trafficking, prison raping extortionist, Larry Davis, was killed in prison. But #StandWithShams will tell you Davis is a hero, a political prisoner. Political prisoners call folks and ask them to kidnap a prisoner's mother, to hold them until funds extorted? WHO FUCKING KNEW?!
In development is the life and times of hood icon Larry Davis who was brutally murder in a New York State prison on February 20, 2008.
When drug traffickers, who skipped school, write articles. ☝🏾 comma (,) missing behind "development", "icon", "Davis", and, it should be "murdered". and Davis wasn't brutally murdered, he was shanked by a prisoner COMMA that Davis was strong-arming COMMA. (I keep forgetting to send that dude a gift, put some money on his books, to thank him on behalf of alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the persons Davis robbed, murdered, while turning his community into a drug zone for HIS WEALTH!
#organizedcrime #narcotics #NYC #Bronx #NYPD #LEUnions758
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Apr 12, 2022 3:08pm EST/NYC
Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin arrested
#publiccorruption #FBI #crime #addressless #standwithshams-if you want to be indicted!
759 / 758
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Apr 12, 2022 3:10pm EST/NYC
this tweet did not age well, and irony at its finest given Shams' @NYSDOCCS prison rape-extortion/money laundering ring, while Shams was, wait for it, homeless then too (2002-2003)! perhaps Shams can shake Benjamin down in prison, for protection money, like Shams crew did others via his partners, Larry Davis and Troy Reed.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Apr 24, 2022 9:05pm EST/NYC
Eric Adams continues to stand with corrupt Shams da Baron a/k/a Ramone Buford, confirming that Adams was part of the corruption with Shams and Larry Davis. It's clear that Adams is as anti-white, pro-corruption, as Shams da Scams. Adams was made aware of Shams during his Mayoral campaign, and made aware by various persons AFTER his election. NY State Inspector General docs, which also include EVERY SINGLE PARTNER OF SHAMS, including his NYState convict brother, Rahiem, still exist. Adams has chosen to state publicly that a cop shooter's life matters more than others. Anyone who shoots/harms a cop, will harm ANYONE. Adams stands with the promoter and BFF-for-life of a horrific cop shooter, murderer and drug trafficker.
#publiccorruption #crime #copshooters #NYPD #NYC #Bronx Update:
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Apr 27, 2022 6:02pm EST/NYC
More senseless gun violence. As long as Eric Adams is mayor of NYC, and Jumaane Williams is public advocate, the violence will only increase.
This is all their karma, from encouraging "fuck the police" mentality, while ignoring crimes in their own areas for decades, and while rushing to pass judgement against law enforcement members. It's also sickening for cops injured by Larry Davis, seeing Shams da Baron a/k/a Ramone Buford, in the mayor's administration. Buford testified on behalf of Davis - against NYPD, lived with Davis, and cheered Davis on AFTER shooting #NYPD officers. A complete disrespect to all law enforcement everywhere.
#gunsense #wherewelive #hiphopfail #ironpipeline #crime #JumaaneWilliamsNeglect #Brooklyn #Bushwick #publiccorruption770
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Aug 1, 2022 12:52pm EST/NYC
Should media outlets receive awards for the rebranding and promotion of an organized criminal, Shams da Baron a/k/a Ramone Buford, or Lamar/Lamor Miller Whitehead? It's as if their victims don't matter, while local and national media promote persons who applaud theft from and murder of others, persons and things which destroy black communities.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Aug 27, 2022 2:21pm EST/NYC
Notice that Jumaane Williams nor Ruben Diaz Sr. were NOT present to help these Seniors under attack by disrespectful teens.
And Jumaane wanted to be Governor of NY! Jumaane had time to bring his baby out to sit with Shams, as if it was some life-saving urgent matter! But he didn’t have time to help these senior citizens out! If NYPD had accidentally knocked a cane of one of the citizens while chasing down a teen, who was attempting to bash anyone in the head, Jumaane would have been front and center to trash NYPD.
Meanwhile, my lifesavers, the 44th Precinct, which showed me respect and dignity at the lowest point of my life, showed up in force to help out!
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Dec 19, 2022 3:19pm EST/NYC
Well now, extortion birds of a feather, flock together! Finally some good news, evil gets got. THANK YOU, FBI!! "Bling B, didn't have no receipts!" to prove what he claimed was stolen from him was rightfully his!! But he sought fame and admiration after screwing people over, lifelong.
After months of headline grabbing incidents, where he was both the accused and the victim, Whitehead is in the spotlight once again, this time after federal prosecutors accused him of fraud, extortion and making false statements to the FBI about business deals with members of his Brooklyn church.
“Lamor Whitehead abused the trust placed in him by a parishioner, bullied a businessman for $5,000, then tried to defraud him of far more than that, and lied to federal agents,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said after Whitehead’s arrest. “His campaign of fraud and deceit stops now.”
hmmm... I wonder where he learned this from? or did his "friends" set him up, in their conquest for a POTUS run?
Whitehead, 45, who counts Mayor Adams among his friends, is little more than a false prophet who took advantage of men and women who sought his spiritual and financial guidance, the feds charge. Whitehead, pastor of the Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministry in Canarsie, sought money and other things of value from victims on the basis of threats and false promises victims’ investments would benefit the victims financially, according to prosecutors.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Feb 22, 2023 11:54am EST/NYC
Apparently, I didn't get the memo:
I'm told from (Staten Island, where Larry Davis' daughter resides) that ONLY Uncle Tom's do not support crack cocaine drug traffickers, gun traffickers, burglars, assault, murderers, domestic batterers, strong-arm robbers, child support frauds (persons who pretend they cannot work to avoid child support payments, while running an organized crime ring), and cop shooters. Everyone else apparently thinks community destroyers are the "cool people" to model after, look up to. Lawd hammercy! Island's words to me: "trying to tear down a brother" (Ramone) and "Wow your a little..." - yes "your" vs. "you're"... I guess this explains why guns are preferred over books in Ruben Diaz Sr.'s South Bronx! But added their nonsense to the FBI files for these community destroying clowns, who need to look at themselves, first and foremost.
Remembered the time Larry and sham snatched your candy in third grade.and made it a fictional Hollywood story cmon bro get a life besides trying to tear down a brother.
UMMMM, who's "bro"? I know person cannot spell, just like Hilliard's Reed. But... MURDER, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, THEFT BY DECEPTION, THEFT OF PROPERTY, ASSAULT, FALSE REPORTING OF A CRIME, ESPECIALLY TO EDGEWATER, NJ POLICE, is actually tearing a brother OR sister down. GTFOH, degenerate Buford-Reed bastards! Only words to me should be: I APOLOGIZE AND HERE'S YOUR MONEY BACK. All else is just propaganda noise that goes in garbage and keeps these clowns on ignore list!
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: May 5, 2023 10:11pm EST/NYC
The man who brought Shams/Ramone into the spotlight, and stood by the "homeless hero," doesn't have a problem with homeless Jordan Neely being murdered by someone who never gave a rat's ass about homeless (including veterans), mental illness (including veterans), and disabled (including veterans). And I'm posting link from PIX11 first, the network which helped created a homeless hero out of an organized criminal, Shams, while Jordan Neely, an actual homeless person, is being vilified as a "career criminal who deserved to die."
In the absence of video showing what happened before the chokehold, many were reserving judgment. Among them was Mayor Eric Adams, who said Thursday that there were "many layers" to the incident. He rejected criticism that he has not expressed enough outrage over Neely's death, unlike other officials who have called for a quick arrest. "All the other electeds, they have a role to play and I have a role to play. The police is doing their investigation and the district attorney is doing his investigation, and I respect the process," Adams said.
but another protest I will sit out, because I've alread proven through the top of the food chain (Rockefellers) and serial predators, that black lives DON'T matter. 🥱
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Nov 29, 2023 12:30pm EST/NYC
Eric Adams has tailor-suited up Shams DaBaron aka Ramone Buford, the right-hand man of NYPD cop shooter, Larry Davis
And Shams is his tailor-suited advocate for homeless and those struggling with mental health. Now, that's funny, because I do recall that none of their grime-crime crew giving ZERO f's about my mental health, while hoping I'd keep quiet about their organized crime crew, AFTER hustling me, while I was literally and legally pursuing my dreams with the skills I WORKED for.
Related #abc7ny videos:
- Scarce progress sounds about organized crime right!
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Dec 1, 2023 2:22pm EST/NYC
Hmmm... acted "improperly", or thrown under the bus to save himself?
Sounds about "Shams," given women are disposable property in that "inner circle". Reporters will scramble her way, while taking their eyes off the big prize.
I can never forget a woman named, "Denise," who almost ended her life because of the scams of Shams, Troy Reed and the entire Larry Davis crew. Reed entered the woman's life, went so far as to move in with her, told her that he loved her, proposed, all while he was sneaking the niece of Larry Davis into her apartment for sex, as Denise worked during the day and planned her wedding. Then, after buying, with Denise's money, expensive clothes (same style as Adams, by the way) and all of the video equipment used to create "Street Stars Presents" fake documentaries to glorify his gangster friends, Reed abruptly left her, not telling her anything. Shams, Rahiem, Reed to this day, laugh and joke about it, publicly, and made no attempts to make amends, while her soul remains tormented. Shams calls it "just part of the hustle, doin' what we gotta do to survive." 😲
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Dec 3, 2023 5:24pm EST/NYC
Keep f'g around with Shams w/ corrupt Eric Adams, and see how many more neglected and dead bodies turn up! Organized criminals CANNOT have empathy for others, NOR be the solution for "humanity". Once this person entered homeless shelters, traumatized, he should have become a priority for quality help, including safe housing and healthcare. Shams and Adams were probably out at a club, five-star partying, private jetting, while this was going on.
Gordon had been in and out of homeless shelters over roughly the last year after he separated from his wife.
"I wanted to tell her [that] this is bigger than us, to let him go back to the shelter, but no one was listening to me," the sibling said. "She took him in. There's no reason for this."
Gordon began to unravel after he and his wife separated, catapulting him into a state in which he was "suffering deeply, deeply from depression and mental illness," according to his sister.
As she watched her brother's mental health deteriorate, the concerned sister took Gordon to mental health facilities — but he was routinely released.
Gordon, a father of three, bounced from shelter to shelter before Watson took pity on him and welcomed him into her home.
A confirmation that #NYCMayor is a con artist:
Adams: "I am making mental health a priority. Even if person refuses help, we will see to it that the person gets the help needed."
Courtney Gordon was of zero concern to Adamns and his partner in crime, Shams DaScammer. Also, how can someone mentally ill or criminal sociopaths (Adams and Shams) be responsible for others? Both believe, with all their hearts, that they are the answer, while being the apathetic problem.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Dec 4, 2023 10:25am EST/NYC
More of the failure of Eric Adams' public official Shams DaBaron aka Ramone Buford aka Da Homeless Hero:
A 61-year-old suspect has been charged with beating a fellow homeless man to death during a drunken clash at their encampment in a Brooklyn park, police said Monday.
Raul Hernandez was charged Saturday with murder and weapons possession, police said.
Hernandez allegedly attacked the victim about 1 p.m. Friday during a drunken argument at their encampment on a handball court on the Brooklyn side of Highland Park, cops said.
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Dec 4, 2023 10:58am EST/NYC
A "Secret" what?! WTF?! The return of "Arthur Miller's"
Commenter: TamraNYC
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Comment Date: Jun 7, 2024 9:34pm EST/NYC
Crime Does Pay Well For Shams
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Help me understand... Jul 3, 2023
In a normal world, Pussy Grabber would be an attorney general or prosecutor's dream defendant, a goal to go after. Now AGs, law enforcement and prosecutors stand behind, with and for this Tamra
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Comment Date: Feb 19, 2017 11:37pm EST/NYC
Thus, #CorruptLivesMatter!!