Meet The GOP

Meet Today's Strom Thurmond GOP

Fake conservatives, fake christians, internalized racists, neo-nazis, kkk, and more.

Demonstration of a #tcot Christian Conservative Mob

Apr 14, 2012 12:42am EST/NYC


ann coulter / badgradestrump / be best / breitbart / cclc / eduardo cruz / govt-funded / hannity / limbaugh / michelle malkin / nra / private-funds / sarah palin / scott walker-wi /

Jim Crow benefactor Todd Kincannon
Jim Crow benefactor Todd Kincannon

Earlier, on April 12, conservatives were going ape %#$! over the treatment of @AnnDRomney on twitter, mainly names she was called and how she was talked to.

Well, meet some of those "conservatives"! And this all began from my statement: "WOW->@ToddKincannon: Angela Corey is an unethical scumbag. She deserves disbarment. She should be working at Walmart, not prosecuting people". My statement was simply the "WOW" part, not about the entire conversation before this post, but the repeating/posting of a statement to a riled up crowd.

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Todd Kincannon

Todd Kincannon loves him some Strom Thurmond, James Henry Hammond and John C. Calhoun. However, he wants to conveniently ignore their negative history, including their rape of children and slaves, and that Calhoun was a staunch racist and felt that blacks were designed for nothing more than labor or sex. Kincannon prides himself on taking a great-grandniece of pedophile Thurmond to So. Carolina's Gov. Nikki Haley's inaugural ball. He proudly dropped Nikki Haley's name along with Tim Scott, a person whose office is PROUD of James Henry Hammond highway. I am awaiting a Parade of Pedophiles, featuring creepy vans and campers and rusted Pintos, all along James Henry Hammond Highway, and ending at Hammond School in Columbia, South Carolina, where the pedophile can pick the K-12 child of their choice! Any objections would be shocking, given the school is named after a PUBLIC pedophile and rapist.

Again, Kincannon loves and adores Strom Thurmond, but that "little issue" of raping his 15-year-old BLACK maid, he would not/will not address. White male raping a black female, still makes a white male an honest and ethical man, but a black male who even breathes, walks home, or looks at a white female, is unethical and not to be trusted. However, James Henry Hammond raped his own teen-nieces and carried on the affair publicly, because back then, women were considered property. After raping slaves and his own nieces, highways and multiple schools were named after Hammond, including a K-12 school. 😲

But once Todd Kincannon replied to me, here came his army of alleged or falsely labeled conservative, christian, libertarian and constitutional followers to attack with delight and complete pride. They determined what I was (without even knowing me), and gave me medical advice and more, while behaving in the most disturbed way. These are people who have never had to bow to anyone, spoiled brats and mostly Jim Crow Benefactors and proud children of Jim Crow Benefactors, who feel they are entitled, to be revered "because," and that others should know their place.

And in this election year, these hatriots would like to be in charge, again. 😐 Many of the persons, who provided their personal attack, were MILITARY members or veterans, including some from recent wars. Many have or had been long-time military members, meaning our government afforded them their lifestyle. And their primary role was to defend this country. However, their personal goals: eliminate liberals, poor, gays, non-whites (unless they are subservient to their cause), and especially wipe out the existence of Democrats — ALL of which also exist within our military, including Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.

However, if liberals are so bad and undesirable, not one of these hatriot military members, when asked, could name one liberal dictator this country has had to take out with extreme force, at the expense of lives, because they cared for ALL too much, including those who hate them.

And these comments are just SOME of the replies that could be captured. The comments were persistent, repeated, and at one point, continuous per second. For over 3 hours, HUNDREDS of unsolicited similar comments from Todd Kincannon's alleged christian, conservative, libertarian and constitutionalist mob. In hindsight, a video recorder would have been better to capture their activities in real-time. However, there will be future opportunities with others, as this was not the first, or their last time demonstrating their contradictory christian, conservative, libertarian and constitutional ways. 😐

And while Kincannon's slaves attacked, he retweeted his most favorite insults from them with delight and pride, comments which were intended to belittle me, but only made me laugh as I looked at EACH and EVERY profile and saw the same consistent labels: Christian, Conservative, Libertarian and/or Constitutionalist, all labels that were complete contradictions to their behavior. Right away for "extermination", I was labeled as "libtard," and presented with all sorts of links on the psychology of liberals, etc. YET I was a registered Republican and am now a registered Independent.

I left the Republican party because of the disgusting amount of hate that has now become common place for the party. Anyone who DOES not hate, or conform to their leaders or group, is automatically considered a "liberal" or "libtard". What is interesting about this first image/comment, in 2008, I was somehow placed onto an internal Sarah Palin email list. I began to receive derogatory emails from persons who described blacks as "n****r" and Democrats as welfare kings and queens (when ironically Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul's area has the highest welfare use and the area is 95% republican and white),

The highest food stamp usage in America is in Owsley County, Kentucky which is 99.22% white and 95% republican

as well as called drug addicts, prison wives and more. It is 2012 and I see nothing has changed, and I was more than happy to vote against Palin, and will be more than happy to vote against Mitt Romney, as this type of promoted-with-pride behavior is destructive, especially for a nation of people.

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon


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Todd Kincannon

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Todd Kincannon

And this one was priceless, yet most sick! "@logboy73" is a libertarian advising me (in his authoritative way) to remove my image of Army Private Danny Chen. He DID NOT ask me WHY I had the image (especially given I LIVE IN NYC), but simply stated the following:

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Todd Kincannon

(view larger image)Todd Kincannon

Asking me to IGNORE someone who died, to protect hateful rhetoric and images of others involved, and because of Michelle Malkin and her "she is the REAL authority on all things military" stance, this is the tone he took without ANY regard whatsoever for Private Danny Chen. 😲

In the end, all of Kincannon's devoted followers were so proud of his actions, especially @animelmaguire (a lesbian republican devoted to Mitt Romney — um how does that work in the Romney household?! 😲), who felt Kincannon had "taken me apart" (see her comments above). Really? If only she could have seen the priceless look on my face, because of the gift literally being handed to me. However, it seems more like I exposed without any doubts, that neither Kincannon NOR HIS FRIENDS are conservative, christian, libertarian or constitutionalists! They have simply hijacked these titles, just like the GOP has been hijacked by their leaders. Again, these persons want to lead others, you know, "take their country back(ward)" with their consistent behavior and all.

-----For reference, my comments to @toddkincannon:, which I am sure the "red meat" crowd would find a justification to send hundreds of people to attack. Facts stated to them were ignored, especially facts about Strom Thurmond. Sex with his black 15-year-old maid was justified and excused with reverence to Thurmond.

Note: this post is in "Govt-Funded" category because the above would like what is represented above to LEAD government! 😲

| angela corey | conservative lynch mob | domestic terrorism | hatriots | jim crow benefactors | mental health | stand your ground | south carolina | tim scott | todd kincannon | trayvon martin |

🔗 #tcot Christian Conservative Mob


Commenter: Meet The GOP
Commenter's Site:
Comment Date: Oct 25, 2013 8:57pm EST/NYC

Original comments from previous format: Kincannon

Don't want to post a comment, but need to "get something off your chest"? Send e-mail to "rw at" or use mail form, and I'll get back to you if necessary. But given unsolicited comments captured here, I suspect I'll be forwarding "christian hatriot" e-mails to appropriate persons.

And Then, There's Always This...

Confederates are not heroes nor brave men! They're the worst of ANY society!
kkk LOSER and creep Nathan Bedford Forrest

Cretin-confederates WERE scheduled to be AND should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended, if they did NOT pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES. Low-life confederates have only pledged allegiance to the lost-cause-confederacy, thus all their confederate monuments, street naming, etc. during the Civil Rights movement. Low-life confederates have provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder. President Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward and Thaddeus Stevens were 100% correct about the evil hearts of confederates. Look at their hateful legislation TODAY, and everyday. Now, low-life confederates attempting to overthrow our government via courts/SCOTUS, on behalf of worst persons on earth, led by 🦇💩🤪🍊🤡! READ MORE... home   /   privacy   /   site map   /   about   /   holla